Category: Articles

Subcategories: How To,

Lessons Learned From Launching an Ecommerce Platform During COVID Pandemic

Lessons Learned From Launching an Ecommerce Platform During COVID Pandemic

As per the data, e-commerce grew by 25% once the governments laid down social distancing and lockdown protocols. People are relying on e-commerce platforms to get basic commodities, food and products. As a result, the pressure on these websites has increased manifolds. And with more companies changing business modules, the...

How to Refresh your Brand Identity the Right Way

How to Refresh your Brand Identity the Right Way

It’s that time right? 2021 is here and a lot of emerging trends are coming up. You may feel like it’s time to refresh your brand identity to keep up with the times. It’s important to make changes without losing who you are in the process. You’re probably wondering how...

Best Ways to Use Interactive Content to Attract Necessary Audiences

Best Ways to Use Interactive Content to Attract Necessary Audiences

Which content do you use to boost audience engagement? Is it a captivating blog article on a topic that excites your readers? Or maybe a visually appealing Instagram post? Or, would you rather go for a video? There is no doubt that all these content types still work well, but...

Make Learning from Home Bearable: Tips and Tricks

Make Learning from Home Bearable: Tips and Tricks

Has your school or college switched to remote learning for the fall term? As it happens all over the US, students keep suffering from the inability to learn and enjoy their free time while being stuck at home. We believe that quarantine is no reason to undermine your productivity. Check...

Why AI & Automation Are Actually Friends to Design

Why AI & Automation Are Actually Friends to Design

The exponential development and advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has led to the possibility of automation. They have been rapidly innovating and transforming industries across the world. Artificial intelligence and automation make any machine’s work process more comfortable, which would otherwise require superior intelligence by humans....

Things to Know For Your Commercial Move

Things to Know For Your Commercial Move

Are you looking forward to commercial moving? If yes, you’ve come to the right spot to find valuable information. Especially if your business office is being moved to a new location, it is imperative for you to be mindful of a number of things. Don’t waste your precious time and...

Open Source Accelerated Mobile Pages: Why Is Google AMP The Future Of Mobile SEO?

Open Source Accelerated Mobile Pages: Why Is Google AMP The Future Of Mobile SEO?

At a time when the large majority of Americans can’t go a few hours—let alone a day—without checking their phones, mobile SEO has become a priority for most businesses. Over the past few years, mobile accessibility and usage have increased like never before. An astounding 49% of Americans use their...

Evolution in Vape Industry Development

Evolution in Vape Industry Development

Vaping is cool. Perhaps, you are a senior vaper who has been inhaling flavored e-juices for years. But, did you ever think about the device in your hand? It is an outcome of a lengthy evaluation. The vaping device’s journey started about 17 years ago, which was a revolutionary invention...

Satisfy Your Hunger For Web Development With Cake PHP

Satisfy Your Hunger For Web Development With Cake PHP

Today website development has become a fundamental aspect of any business and there are substantial explanations behind that. Different web development platforms have been dispatched to assist businesses with setting up their online presence utilizing easy to use websites and web application in a more expert manner.

Securing a Steady Flow of Clients for Your Web Design Business

Securing a Steady Flow of Clients for Your Web Design Business

Aside from a constant lack of time and an ever-growing to-do list in life and work, finding clients can be a massive stressor for many business owners. An issue especially relevant for freelancers and smaller organizations lacking a business development team to win clients for them. Whatever the size of...

Trends of Content Marketing 2020 and Its Role in Business Management

Trends of Content Marketing 2020 and Its Role in Business Management

Considering the dynamic nature of content marketing, businesses work vigorously and invest a lump-sum amount of money frequently to generate new content strategies as well as to ameliorate the previous ones in order to strengthen their businesses and to forge ahead. In this competitive era, where businesses or companies are...

7 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Your Business This Pandemic

7 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Your Business This Pandemic

The novel coronavirus is seemingly showing no signs of slowing down as it is continuing to spread globally, with over 67 million infected to date, in more than 180 countries. Both public and private sectors are doing their best and scrambling to create ways to slow down the spread of...

Why Do You Need A Good Mobile UI Design?

Why Do You Need A Good Mobile UI Design?

There is no doubt that mobile technologies are advancing at an unprecedented rate. Along with the improvement in mobile applications from a technological perspective, a disruptive change is also occurring in the UI/UX design. In 2020 and 2021, mobile users will certainly experience new design methods and approaches in the...

Video Interview Walk-through: Tips for Candidates

Video Interview Walk-through: Tips for Candidates

Video interviews are a real trend in the HR industry in recent years. Many companies are leveraging technology know-how through platforms to select professional candidates for positions of responsibility with attractive salaries. How to prepare for an interview if on the way to your dream job you need to do...

20+ WordPress Post-Edit Tips

20+ WordPress Post-Edit Tips

You are passionate about content, the one who wants to increase readers’ engagement. Unfortunately, you are new to WordPress, but you are not alone. There are many like you who are working with sufficient knowledge but are still less informed about the WordPress site. On the other hand, if your...