Category: Articles

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Benefits of Attending the Motivational Speaking and Like Other Seminars

Benefits of Attending the Motivational Speaking and Like Other Seminars

No one is born with motivation in life. A person needs to gain it, via any process. Motivation is one of the most important element required to achieve greatness in life. Success and great things always begin from yourself because there is no door to ask for the permission and...

A Quick Guide to Scoring 100/100 in Page Speed Insights 2020

A Quick Guide to Scoring 100/100 in Page Speed Insights 2020

Page speed insight has a major role in uplifting the position of your website. The website owner should always maintain the best balance between the speed of the page and the experience of the user. Today, user experience is a crucial part of ranking the website. So, while running a...

7 Simple Strategies to Boost the Sales of Your E-Commerce Store

7 Simple Strategies to Boost the Sales of Your E-Commerce Store

When you set up an e-commerce store, you often expect that it’ll turn out to be the most profitable venture of your life. You expect so because it has the potential for it – while your operating costs remain considerably lower than brick and mortar stores, your reach remains large...

Especially for Startups – Technology Trends for 2020

Especially for Startups – Technology Trends for 2020

2020 – the year when everyone is fighting for their lives, the times that brought the novel Coronavirus to everyone’s lives. This is the year that has brought transformative changes in the lives of human beings. When the offline day-to-day activities have been paused, it is the technology that will...

5 Fantastic Gift Ideas Using Photos That Your Friends Will Love

5 Fantastic Gift Ideas Using Photos That Your Friends Will Love

When it comes to giving your loved one a gift, you try your best to make it special. There is no denying the fact that it is not an easy task to pick a gift that shows the value the other person holds in your life. Therefore, when it’s the...

Understanding the Impact of Voice Search on SEO in 2020

Understanding the Impact of Voice Search on SEO in 2020

Smart assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, and others are getting increasingly smarter. Combined with how accessible these assistants are, their usage is only going to increase. The year 2019 witnessed 3.25 billion digital voice assistants, and these numbers are on the rise. Let’s take a look at the projected...

WordPress vs. Drupal: An Explicit Comparison

WordPress vs. Drupal: An Explicit Comparison

“You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure.” Very rightly said by the American religious leader Gordon Bitner Hinckley and the same holds good for your websites too. You can’t build a robust &...

How to Get Reviews on Amazon

How to Get Reviews on Amazon

Reviews on Amazon are important, as they are generally very important in any online shopping scenario. The fact that we can’t look at an item with our own eyes, or pick it up before we buy it, makes any bit of information from someone that had an actual experience with...

Top 10 Creative Logo Design Trends in 2020

Top 10 Creative Logo Design Trends in 2020

Well, no matter whether your business is in the starting phase or a settled one. Having an attractive logo as the brand identity is necessary. Specifically for the online brand, logos can make a huge impact in the success of the business. Logo plays a key role as a representation...

What Is The Role of Predictive Analytics In Shaping Consumer Behaviour?

What Is The Role of Predictive Analytics In Shaping Consumer Behaviour?

Evolving market trends, technology and challenging must-haves have affected consumer behaviour. And thanks to M-commerce, they are spoilt for choices which explains why their buying behaviour keeps flickering. Today, the stakes are even higher and businesses cannot take risks with the conventional way of conducting market research for new product...

Get The Details Right – Creating eCommerce Sites

Get The Details Right – Creating eCommerce Sites

The Internet revolutionized our everyday lives. It opened up many new possibilities and markets that we never thought we’d have. Most of the services that we need are now available online and we can gain access to them from the comfort of our home. Businesses also had a major breakthrough...

Why People Are Opting For Expired Domains Over New Ones

Why People Are Opting For Expired Domains Over New Ones

Expired domains are becoming popular nowadays because of the several benefits they offer. Expired domains are those which were previously registered by an individual, business, or organization but were not renewed. Thus, they have expired. This means that the original owner can no longer use the domain. When you type...

10 Cybersecurity Trends to Look Out for in 2020

10 Cybersecurity Trends to Look Out for in 2020

With the COVID-19 virus on everybody’s mind, it’s hard to believe that there are any other issues that people are concerned with. However, with the prediction of a vaccine that will help to mitigate the pandemic and let everyone live without fear of catching the virus, the country is slowly...

Cloudways Affiliate Program Review 2020: Great Product to Earn Big Commission

Cloudways Affiliate Program Review 2020: Great Product to Earn Big Commission

As the COVID-19 pandemic takes over the world, businesses are looking for alternate means of generating income. Affiliate marketers are usually on the lookout for the next big thing to improve their revenue and usually look into different niches to diversify. Despite the recent pandemic that has gripped the entire...

How to Design a Profitable Landing Page

How to Design a Profitable Landing Page

Landing pages are getting traction nowadays and the reason behind their overnight fame is their effectiveness to boost conversions and leads. A landing page is an individual webpage that is created with an intention to nudge visitors and attract them to complete specific actions. It means the main aim here...