Category: Articles

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Alexa Skill Development: A Kick-starter Guide

Alexa Skill Development: A Kick-starter Guide

Over the past decade, voice assistants have dynamically entered our lives. Names like Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and Cortana will most likely ring a bell. In any case, it was route before these names that the idea of a voice aide was exposed. As far as back in 1962, IBM...

9 Call To Action Tactics – How To Capture Customers Enthusiasm?

9 Call To Action Tactics – How To Capture Customers Enthusiasm?

Customers’ are quite enthusiastic when they find a website or online store worth visiting after searching for hours. They expect a lot from an online store that is why their ease of using the website shall be the utmost priority of a website in order to capture their enthusiasm. It...

Reasons to Avoid Grey Hat SEO for Your Website

Reasons to Avoid Grey Hat SEO for Your Website

Are you familiar with the term grey hat SEO? If you are running a website and using SEO to market yourself, there are a few techniques that you need to know. They include back hat SEO, white hat SEO, and grey hat SEO. The black and white terms derived from...

The Trends All Marketers Should Pay Attention to in the New Year

The Trends All Marketers Should Pay Attention to in the New Year

Marketing trends come and go; that’s a fact. It’s what makes this industry exciting. There’s always something new to try. And if you’re smart, you’ll get on some of these trends before any of your competitor does, and reap all the benefits. With the new year and new decade coming...

16 Things to Do to Get Inspired to Write

16 Things to Do to Get Inspired to Write

First thing first, tell yourself this; You are a writer. You got this! Done? Great now let us talk about that little hurdle that led you here. Inspiration is a slippery creature, and sometimes it evades us for days. It is normal, don’t feel super bad about it, it happens....

How to Use the New LogoMyWay Online Logo Maker

How to Use the New LogoMyWay Online Logo Maker

When designing your own logo you will obviously want to ensure you have taken into account all of the critical factors that make your business emblem stand out from the crowd. Prime among the considerations is the choice of your logo maker. This is critical if your brand is to...

10 Unique Ways to Get More Instagram Followers and Likes

10 Unique Ways to Get More Instagram Followers and Likes

Instagram’s algorithm is constantly changing. Attracting followers and increasing engagement is challenging for established accounts and new profiles alike. These obstacles can be overcome with a little creativity and planning, though. While you can use ViralRace to buy followers on Insta, you can also try implementing some out-of-the-box strategies.

Here Are 5 Incredible Ways to Build an Authentic Social Media Follower Base

Here Are 5 Incredible Ways to Build an Authentic Social Media Follower Base

Do you often look at your follower base and wonder! How can one increase this number? Having sizeable social media followers isn’t all about sales or indication of enterprise success. It’s more about creating brand credibility while ensuring you have an online visibility identity. The more the followers, the more...

Cool ASO Tactics That Every Business App Owner Should Know?

Cool ASO Tactics That Every Business App Owner Should Know?

It’s good that you have been fantasized by your idea and viewing the global market trends of mobile apps, you took the plunge and went ahead developing an app, but without proper exposure and acceptance, the app stands valueless. As a business owner and the driver of your organization, you...

Photo Canvas Prints – an Overlooked Christmas Gift Classic

Photo Canvas Prints – an Overlooked Christmas Gift Classic

The holiday season is fast approaching, and by the time you read this there’s a good chance you’ll be running late with your gift hunting. Delaying the big holiday shopping spree is a mistake we’ve all made – and one we’ve all come to regret! That’s why we’re delighted to...

How To Optimize Native Advertising To Grow A Business

How To Optimize Native Advertising To Grow A Business

So, have you been on the internet for the past two hours desperately trying to figure out the answer to the question “What exactly is native advertising?“ It can be simply defined as a form of online advertisement that matches the function and form of the platform on which it...

A Detailed Guide to Magento Drop Shipping

A Detailed Guide to Magento Drop Shipping

There is no arguing the fact that e-commerce has been one of the top sources of sales throughout the internet. Having loads of ability to innovate and be creative, one can always find various ways to get their very own e-commerce business underway.

PHP Website Development Tips: Get Better Ranking in Search Engine

PHP Website Development Tips: Get Better Ranking in Search Engine

To improve Google Ranking for any PHP website development project, we generally implement SEO strategies. SEO stands for search engine optimization that helps in ranking your PHP powered website. There is a requirement of consistent application of the Google SEO, and hence, there is constant need to update the sire....

Brand Transparency: Is This the Key Step to Winning Customers’ Hearts?

Brand Transparency: Is This the Key Step to Winning Customers’ Hearts?

The dramatic changes in the tech-driven world’s commercial culture have defined the strategies and behavioral models of businesses today. It’s no longer morally and commercially acceptable for a business to pursue the sole aim of capitalizing on their customers, disregarding common integrity values. The consumer of the digital age is...