Category: Articles

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6 Myths About Web Design That Can Hurt Your Business

6 Myths About Web Design That Can Hurt Your Business

Simply optimizing the design of your website can lead to over a 100% increase in the number of clicks you get as well as the volume of visitors. However, in most cases, webmasters emphasize a clutter-free layout for their website. Creating a website is not enough. You have to be...

How to Write a Web Design Business Proposal (Tips & Templates)

How to Write a Web Design Business Proposal (Tips & Templates)

If you’re a designer, let’s face some cold, hard facts. There’s over 400,000 companies dealing with graphic design in the world, according to latest reports from December 2018. That’s a lot of competition – but there’s some good news too. The total revenue made from design in 2018 was more...

Mobile First Marketing: How Web Designers Could Contribute

Mobile First Marketing: How Web Designers Could Contribute

Several years ago, no one would have thought that mobile first anything would exist. After all, who could do anything on those tiny screens, let alone read content, shop or anything else? But times have changed and now we see armies of people consuming content solely on their mobile devices....

Here’s the Trick To Writing Blog Posts People Genuinely Want To Read

Here’s the Trick To Writing Blog Posts People Genuinely Want To Read

Do you want me to reveal to you the ingenious secret of creating posts which your readers will like? All popular posts have one thing in common. They change the reader. It does not have to be a big change. But the simple act of reading such materials changes something...

Elegance Of Line Typography In Web Design

Elegance Of Line Typography In Web Design

It may sound cliché, but first impressions do have a lasting effect. When a user visits your website, typography is the first thing that they notice. It creates a user experience even before they’ve read a single word of the content that your website offers.

Top UX Design Principles To Exercise In 2019 (& Make Your App Go Viral)

Top UX Design Principles To Exercise In 2019 (& Make Your App Go Viral)

With more than 2 million more apps residing in the mobile market and apps like TikTok, Instagram, Pokemon Go and PUBG ruling the users’ minds, it is tough to get into their list of favorite apps and gain the limelight in the market. Isn’t it so? Well, not exactly. Though...

8 Best Marketing Ideas For 2019

8 Best Marketing Ideas For 2019

Marketing moves at the speed of light, especially when you come up with a new strategy or campaign, and suddenly a new technology or statistics release changes everything. Every month or year, new techniques and trends come up, entirely transforming the way we connect or attract our audience. Sometimes, adapting...

The Digital Trends of 2018 and What Happened Next

The Digital Trends of 2018 and What Happened Next

2018 was an exciting year for the field of technology. Building on the successes and failures of 2017, companies threw their weight behind digital security and encryption. The advent of the smartphone and other mobile devices have revolutionized not just how we interact with technology but how we interact with...

Just Develop It: App Design Process in Detail

Just Develop It: App Design Process in Detail

Popular and useful mobile apps we use every day mostly look very uncomplicated and intuitive. According to Statista research, it’s also the most demanded realm of software development with more than 280 billions of downloads in 2018. Newzoo says that it’s equal over $92 bln. Mobile application startup requires knowledge,...

Spooky SEO Stories That Will Horrify You

Spooky SEO Stories That Will Horrify You

Today is Day of the Dead, one of the most popular festivities and with millions of monthly searches. Obviously, this means that the Day of the Dead must be celebrated by the marketing community in Mexico. So, we decided to make this post as scary as possible.

What Should A New Designer Need to Know about Typography?

What Should A New Designer Need to Know about Typography?

In the early days, hand-operating printers where used by designers which had to be operated manually. The manual printers had metal letters engrossed in a frame which when rolled in the ink pressed down onto a clean paper for printing. This process of printing needed thousands of physical metal blocks...

7 of the Best Tips to Boost Your Organic CTR

7 of the Best Tips to Boost Your Organic CTR

When you’re managing a website, you can get too focused on rankings. It’s easy to get caught up in the web of search rankings and forget everything else. But remember, high search rankings don’t mean anything unless users actually click on your link. The organic click-through rate (CTR) is often...

Reasons Why You Should Choose the YII Framework

Reasons Why You Should Choose the YII Framework

The Yii framework was developed on 1 January 2008 in order to combat the limitations of a popular framework, PRADO. The PRADO framework, though being highly popular was not able to manage the fast development pace during the creation of intricate and complex pages. Additionally, the PRADO framework made it...

Why Log Management Is Important

Why Log Management Is Important

Log monitoring works very much like a sentry. In the past, military forts would have watchtowers on their walls where sentries or guards would be posted to watch the surroundings. It was their responsibility to alert those inside if they saw any suspicious activity so the inhabitants of the ports...

Let’s Welcome the New Era of Design Where AI Is Entwined With UX

Let’s Welcome the New Era of Design Where AI Is Entwined With UX

We people are great attention-seekers; just one spotlight and we tend to hold it for the long run. And when it comes to shining your business, this can only be possible with the help of a well-designed website or an app. For a layperson, developing or designing an app might...