Category: Articles

Subcategories: How To,

Sprucing Up Your Website: Images from Google vs. Images from Stocks

Sprucing Up Your Website: Images from Google vs. Images from Stocks

As a newsmaker, blogger, website owner, or marketer, you should know that high-quality, relevant, eye-catching, and for sure original images are the most effective way to give your text content a boost. Especially if it falls into the category of sports, politics, business, or news.

Awe Inspiring 2020 AI and Machine Learning Trends

Awe Inspiring 2020 AI and Machine Learning Trends

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two of the most flourishing and revolutionary technologies in the world. These technologies are entering almost all the fields in the world and are set to influence in the fields in interesting ways. There are tons of reasons that make AI and ML two...

Keep Your Blog Content Fresh: The Top 16 Ways

Keep Your Blog Content Fresh: The Top 16 Ways

Content is king. However, a king cannot rule unless he’s one hundred percent active, committed, and consistent in his decisions and actions. In the content marketing world, your blog content performs in a similar way. To outshine your competitors and keep your blog readers satisfied with your performance, you must...

The Art of Maximizing the Impact of Your Content

The Art of Maximizing the Impact of Your Content

Do you want to drive more traffic to your online store? Do you want more engagement on your site? Do you want your potential customers to find you instead of your competitors? Three questions and only one answer: Content.

The Advantages of Vector Graphics

The Advantages of Vector Graphics

Vector images are used extensively in graphic design, however the average PC user has probably never heard of them. The most common digital images, web graphics and digital photos are most often rendered as bitmap images not vector images. So what are vector images, and why should you care?

7 Crucial Tips for Improving Your Graphic Design in 2020

7 Crucial Tips for Improving Your Graphic Design in 2020

Let’s face it; in the world of graphic design, it doesn’t matter how good or how creative you are today. What is more important is your ability to learn and progress. As a designer, your number one concern should be improving your skills and learning new design techniques. Every year,...

9 Web Development Trends To Avoid In 2020

9 Web Development Trends To Avoid In 2020

Websites are getting better, faster, and more attractive year after year. As the entire web development industry is evolving, webmasters keep finding new ways to improve both the functionality and the design of their sites. This is a critical step as almost 50% of people cited a website’s design as...

Why Using the UI Components is Useful for JavaScript Development?

Why Using the UI Components is Useful for JavaScript Development?

As the core programming language of the Internet, JavaScript (JS) attracts millions of developers from all over the world. The sheer number of practical features makes JS the main choice among web application designers, while the program keeps getting better and more comprehensive every year. In the report called “Developer...

Top 10 Tips on How To Boost Your Time Management While Designing

Top 10 Tips on How To Boost Your Time Management While Designing

Managing your time wisely as a designer can be quite challenging because you usually spend hours and hours sitting behind your computer screen and working through the task quite slowly. There is nothing much you can really do about that, but there are some ways you can manage your time...

13 Common Web Accessibility Questions Web Design Agencies Need to Know

13 Common Web Accessibility Questions Web Design Agencies Need to Know

Web accessibility is a growing trend nowadays. The fact that in 2018, the number of federally-filed website accessibility cases skyrocketed to 2,285 from a mere 815 in 2017 is proof that a lot of people want to make it mainstream. An increasing number of businesses are also interested in building...

SEO Strategies: White Hat vs Black Hat vs Grey Hat

SEO Strategies: White Hat vs Black Hat vs Grey Hat

You probably know already that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and that it has to do with PageRank and digital marketing. If you’ve never heard of any of these things, where have you been? When given the definition: SEO is a set of strategies aimed at increasing the online...

Ways to Lure Customers into Buying Something They Did Not Plan For

Ways to Lure Customers into Buying Something They Did Not Plan For

Customers are the most precious element of any business, thus, working on customers is really crucial. One of the main reasons behind the big successful businesses is that they keep working on their customer’s interest and demands! But in that case, growth is at a consistent rate for long term....

Playing Safe with Identity Fraud: A Reason to Trust AI to Combat It

Playing Safe with Identity Fraud: A Reason to Trust AI to Combat It

As technology becomes more sophisticated, so are the attempts of fraud. In 2017 alone, more than 16 million adults experienced identity fraud. Quite a scary thought. And although it hasn’t happened to you yet, you shouldn’t be lenient. Taking the right measures today will ensure that you stay protected for...

Fascinating Atomic Design Tactics That Improve Your Workflow

Fascinating Atomic Design Tactics That Improve Your Workflow

Website designing continues to evolve every day! To come up with innovative, compelling and more appealing web designs as part of evolution, web designers implement various approaches, techniques, and philosophies. Every designer has their own preferences, some desire to work from the top-down approach, starting with the most basic elements....

Top 7 Content Management Systems – A Brief Review

Top 7 Content Management Systems – A Brief Review

Additionally, there are scores of amazing CMSs available on the market. No matter everything Type of website you are constructing, there is probably just one perfectly-suited for it. The Issue Is That the Majority designers and programmers do not desire to devote some time to mastering a lot of distinct...