Category: Articles

Subcategories: How To,

12 Psychology Hacks for Better UX Design

12 Psychology Hacks for Better UX Design

There is a strong, undeniable connection between psychology and user experience. Psychology is the reason you buy something off Amazon before you even realize you don’t need it. It’s why you watch the 10th-in-a-row episode of Mad Men at 4 AM. It’s also why you feel tempted to click on...

Tech-Buzz!: Biggest Technology Trends Of 2021 You Must Know

Tech-Buzz!: Biggest Technology Trends Of 2021 You Must Know

As the need for technology increases by each passing day, the level of innovation is also increasing. This hunger for technology is leading the entire IT industry towards digital transformation. The coronavirus pandemic is also playing an essential role in this digital transformation. It is giving a push to these...

How to Convert Your WordPress Site into A Progressive Web App (PWA)?

How to Convert Your WordPress Site into A Progressive Web App (PWA)?

In the era of mobile phones, user experience, and interface design are rapidly evolving. After the revolution of responsive design, the increasing usage of mobile phones implies a new branch that is Progressive Web Apps (PWA). The Progressive Web App (PWA) is transforming the mobile experience and influencing innovative design...

LinkedIn: A Sales and Marketing Tool B2B Companies Can’t Ignore [Infographic]

LinkedIn: A Sales and Marketing Tool B2B Companies Can’t Ignore [Infographic]

LinkedIn works. Oh yes, it definitely does. It’s just that your sales and marketing teams have not truly leveraged the power of this rewarding tool. From sales prospecting to product marketing, LinkedIn can be an extremely valuable asset in the hands of B2B companies. Posting thought-provoking articles, joining groups related...

Top Product Development Trends In 2021

Top Product Development Trends In 2021

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has heralded – all thanks to the advancement in technology. Businesses in this industry 4.0 have become more advanced than ever. They’re using the latest technologies in their products, bringing the best teams from across the world, and religiously studying the latest product development trends to...

Sales Territory Mapping 101: How to Use Sales Territory Maps

Sales Territory Mapping 101: How to Use Sales Territory Maps

Every good sales manager knows that an effective sales team needs a sales territory map. Sales territory mapping is a form of location intelligence that makes it possible to visualize where your customers and prospects are located, how they’re spread out across your target territories, and how those territories have...

Making Your Website More Successful

Making Your Website More Successful

If you build websites for other businesses, you’ll soon learn what works and what doesn’t. Unfortunately, everyone isn’t always privy to this information. For those that aren’t. Here are a few tips.

Do Headings Really Impact Rankings?

Do Headings Really Impact Rankings?

When it comes to search engine optimization, the process of ensuring your site receives the best possible ranking is often painstaking. Indeed, there are practically countless details to keep track of, and even the seemingly least essential website elements are a topic of debate among experts. For instance — do...

The Top 20 Questions to Ask Clients Before Any Design Project

The Top 20 Questions to Ask Clients Before Any Design Project

The road to building a successful design project starts by understanding what your client needs. The purpose of every project is to fulfill the requirement of the customer by understanding their demands. The only way to make sure your project is satisfactory is by asking the right questions. It’s better...

The Possibilities Artificial Intelligence can unlock for Email Marketing

The Possibilities Artificial Intelligence can unlock for Email Marketing

Email Marketing has been around forever. There are plenty of articles any of us can Google about Email Marketing. Why is it important, How to master Email Marketing, and so on. Let’s throw a game-changer in between the equation – Artificial Intelligence!

13 Reasons Why Web Development Will Take the Healthcare Industry by Storm

13 Reasons Why Web Development Will Take the Healthcare Industry by Storm

Developing a healthcare website is an absolute need today. Many of you strongly agreed on it until you are living in a Stone Age. The digital changes in healthcare are overwhelming, and the introduction of smartphones and iPhones are cherry on a cake in making these transformations possible. From the...

Designing an Impressively Successful Q&A Self-Service Platform

Designing an Impressively Successful Q&A Self-Service Platform

The clients of today’s world appreciate it when they have full access to the business and everything it has to offer, so it’s your responsibility to guarantee that you’re helping clients support themselves. Companies that don’t do this risk distancing client who need all the help they can get from...

How to Choose a Web Hosting Provider

How to Choose a Web Hosting Provider

Nowadays, businesses use web hosting services—no doubt about that. One of the primary reasons is obvious – businesses target audiences. Well, good news because there are many web hosting providers out there who are willing to render their services. So, that means it’s easy for you to target thousands to...

The Pros and Cons of Going Headless for Your E-Commerce Store

The Pros and Cons of Going Headless for Your E-Commerce Store

Online business owners are always on a hunt for the right strategies or ideas that can drive them to better results and hike up the productivity of their business to a new level. And nowadays, the term “Headless e-commerce” is gaining popularity in the online world and letting several webshop...

19 Advanced SEO Techniques That’ll Double Your Search Traffic

19 Advanced SEO Techniques That’ll Double Your Search Traffic

Is traffic important for the website? It certainly is but why? Better traffic better will be the conversion and sales on your website and this is the final goal of any website. How to ensure double search traffic on the website?