Category: Articles

Subcategories: How To,

Does Facial Recognition Technology Reduce Crime

Does Facial Recognition Technology Reduce Crime

Facial recognition software uses biometrics to map out facial features from an image or video to identify human faces. It creates a database of multiple pictures and facial features to find relevant matches. The technology is most commonly cornering the mobile phone market, unlocking features and photo organization on cell...

4 Common Mistakes When Designing A Multilingual Website

4 Common Mistakes When Designing A Multilingual Website

In the era of technology and the digital world, creating a multilingual website is a must if entrepreneurs would like to expand the scale of potential customers and boost their profits. With the maximum assistance of virtual design apps, companies can generate a multilingual website meeting the demands of international...

Making Yourself Seen – Attracting Recruiters with the Ideal LinkedIn Profile

Making Yourself Seen – Attracting Recruiters with the Ideal LinkedIn Profile

As we settle into this new era of social distancing, Zoom meetings, and working in your PJs, et al., it pays to spruce up your online presence, aka, your digital resume. For any professional (in or out of the job market), that means tweaking your LinkedIn profile to make it...

How to Optimize Your Site for Google Carousel Results

How to Optimize Your Site for Google Carousel Results

Google is constantly working for making the search experience more enjoyable, fast, and accurate for its users. Unlike any other search engine, Google is way ahead in experimenting with new things in order to bring the best Internet experience. Along with hundreds of experiments and features, Google’s carousel is one...

How to Build a Great UX Writing Portfolio

How to Build a Great UX Writing Portfolio

One of the best ways to show you are capable of handling a challenging job is to prove that you have the required skills. Lip service only goes so far. Hiring managers want to see clear evidence of your abilities. This is as true for UX writing jobs as it...

Challenges You Face During Web Development and How Can You Overcome Them

Challenges You Face During Web Development and How Can You Overcome Them

So much has changed, such as new ways of hiring your team, finding employees, reaching new customers, and a new way for them to reach you. Today, technology is evolving at breakneck speed; it is bringing new opportunities to web development companies. But along with unlimited perks and benefits, technology...

How Comments on Your Blog Can Impact Search Rankings

How Comments on Your Blog Can Impact Search Rankings

Blog comments have long held a very prominent position in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) debates. For anyone familiar with the subject, it should be relatively easy to see why. Back in 2005, Google introduced the “nofollow” tag as a partial response to comment spam. Today, Google’s PageRank draws attention to...

Responsive vs Adaptive – Choose The Best One for Mobile App Design

Responsive vs Adaptive – Choose The Best One for Mobile App Design

The digital world has grown on each one of us from a small digital watch to the latest cutting-edge devices, another plus point is to get the information of anything online with a single click. And the one who is the most indulged between this digital world and the real...

Do These 3 Things to Succeed at Blogging

Do These 3 Things to Succeed at Blogging

We like to think of blogging as the proverbial golden goose, why because it’s one quick way to make a lot of bucks if you know the ins and outs of the ‘blogosphere.’ Having been around this block for some time, we’ll teach you how to turn your blog into...

A Beginner’s Guide To Write SEO-Friendly Content in 2021

A Beginner’s Guide To Write SEO-Friendly Content in 2021

No matter how great your website is, if you want it to work for you, you should make sure that your target audience will actually see it. As much as 75% of internet users only check out the first page of search results. Moreover, most of them don’t even click...

Tricks And Tips On How To Use UX Testing To Level Up Your SEO

Tricks And Tips On How To Use UX Testing To Level Up Your SEO

UX has always been an integral part of website and app building because it determines how much your audience will actually enjoy using your site or mobile app. This, in turn, will lead this audience to decide whether or not they want to continue interacting with your brand. But with...

Top e-Commerce Trends for 2021

Top e-Commerce Trends for 2021

We all know the top trends for e-commerce are going to be much different in 2021. Let’s see in what way!

Why Hiring an eBook Ghostwriter is Perfectly Ethical

Why Hiring an eBook Ghostwriter is Perfectly Ethical

It is common knowledge that the majority of the top professionals, in most industries (if not all), have people or teams for content creation. From the passionate public speeches given by politicians to the thought-provoking presentation delivered by business leaders, the majority of the content top professionals use in their...

Why Studying Graphic Design in 2021 is a Perfect Time

Why Studying Graphic Design in 2021 is a Perfect Time

Thinking about switching your career and becoming a graphic designer? The good news is that there has never been a better time than 2021. Firstly, because the modern world is pretty open to daredevils who are ready to take the risk and put everything on the line, and of course,...

How to Choose the Best Fonts for Your Website

How to Choose the Best Fonts for Your Website

In the digital world, everything is designed for a purpose. Every aspect of a digital design is decided after thorough brainstorming. When it comes to website design, we usually undermine the importance of typography. Fonts have a huge impact on our subconscious mind. The effects are subtle but intense enough...