Category: Articles

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How Content Marketing is a Boon for Software Development Companies?

How Content Marketing is a Boon for Software Development Companies?

Software development is no child’s play yet; there are hundreds and thousands of web and mobile app development services providers out there. Not every software development company which is being incorporated stays longer in the race. According to, among 90% of the total startups that fail every year, 63%...

E-Commerce Web Designing Skills To Master Amid COVID-19

E-Commerce Web Designing Skills To Master Amid COVID-19

With COVID-19 wreaking havoc in 213 countries and territories, businesses are in a tight spot as they have to change their strategies. Since remote work is gathering significance, the profitability of major industry sectors is taking a hit. We are looking at a global recession, since global trade supply and...

Your Guide to Effective Communication At The Workplace

Your Guide to Effective Communication At The Workplace

Effective communication is necessary no matter where you are or who you might talk to. At a workplace, however, communication skills are perhaps the one personal trait that can determine the success of your career. In fact, the lack of effective communication can disrupt other factors such as efficiency, objectives...

Step By Step Instructions to Increase Domain Authority in Few Days: Ultimate Technique

Step By Step Instructions to Increase Domain Authority in Few Days: Ultimate Technique

Get some information about their vocation objectives and their answer, paying little heed to understanding and specialization, will be to rank on the #1 position of Google SERP. This is the reason they become overflowing and go over the edge in the wake of finding a watchword that positions on...

How to Evaluate, Manage, and Avoid Technical Debts

How to Evaluate, Manage, and Avoid Technical Debts

If technical debt sounds like something lifted from a handbook on finance, it is because the term is related to finance. However, in the real sense of it, technical debt is related to programming. It is the idea that during the development of a software project, certain necessary steps are...

Product Pages that Turn Visitors into Customers

Product Pages that Turn Visitors into Customers

The purpose of creating product descriptions for an ecommerce website might seem pretty straightforward: it’s the text that accompanies a product (or service) with the aim to inform customers about said product. If only it were that simple (professional product descriptions writing services would be out of business). Needless to...

A Comprehensive Guide to UI Developer in 2020

A Comprehensive Guide to UI Developer in 2020

UI developers focus on the design and functionality of the user interface. They are responsible for making sure the UI is up to par and works smoothly to provide the best user experience. The UI developers draft and implement the design of the app or website using dynamic tools and...

An Introduction to Brand Building through Social Media

An Introduction to Brand Building through Social Media

Today, social media is seen as one of the most present advertising channels in the world. More and more businesses are joining Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms in order to participate in and shape the online discussion regarding their product and reputation. If you have just started your company...

10 Tips that Change Your Content into Remarkable Works of Art

10 Tips that Change Your Content into Remarkable Works of Art

In today’s digital world where the internet is everywhere, being creative is no easy task. Everyone wants to shake the web with dazzling ideas and impressive blog posts, but it’s no easy thing to achieve. In this article, I am going to share with you 10 tips to help you...

These Top 14 Logo Designing Trends Will be Ruling in 2020

These Top 14 Logo Designing Trends Will be Ruling in 2020

The majority of the “brand” in the world are mostly known just by looking at a logo. Whether it’s Nike’s minimalist design or whether it’s a marvel’s catchy logo, you don’t have to think twice to recognize that brand. And Most importantly, it does not depend on whether you like...

What Is the Impact of AI on Web Development and Design?

What Is the Impact of AI on Web Development and Design?

Artificial intelligence is often called a disruptive technology for a good reason. It offers countless advantages for developers and designers, allowing companies to use innovative solutions and changing the IT industry as we know it. However, AI-powered tools require companies to have experts familiar with this technology. Therefore, creating AI...

13 Design Errors that Can Destroy Your Mobile App

13 Design Errors that Can Destroy Your Mobile App

Are you an aspiring designer who is trying to build a unique mobile app design that could ensure customer engagement and offers required marketing measures? Well then, the past will always haunt you and will take you to an edge. The design mistakes that you have created in the past...

How To Increase Foot Traffic and Bring More Customers To Your Business

How To Increase Foot Traffic and Bring More Customers To Your Business

Whether you’re in the restaurant or retail business, one of the critical keys to success is bringing past customers back through your doors on a regular basis. There are any number of ways to do this, but one of the most effective ones is through the use of a loyalty...

Step-by-step Guide to Creating a Quality Landing Page

Step-by-step Guide to Creating a Quality Landing Page

How does one go about creating a quality landing page? Should you go online and learn how to do it all by yourself? Or should you hire a professional to create it for you? Well, in a way, both. In order to create a quality landing page, you both need...

7 Dramatic Reasons the Plugins You’re Using Are not Necessary?

7 Dramatic Reasons the Plugins You’re Using Are not Necessary?

Are you using too much plugins? Well, if you don’t confirm about it. Think for a second. At first, it sounds a bit hilarious, and second you’re not one of them. However, on the other hand, there’s thousands of experts recommending new plugins every single week It’s not new that...