Category: How To

How to Write a Web Design Case Study that Lands New Clients

How to Write a Web Design Case Study that Lands New Clients

Whenever you’re looking for a new job as a freelancer, you need a good portfolio that can attract clients, and this not just about images that you put up on your website. One of the best ways to do this is by creating detailed case studies about the work that...

How to Make Money with Your Site

How to Make Money with Your Site

This is what you should do if you are a developer or designer. Being a developer or a designer must be the perfect job in a world conquered by computers. But technical people are not necessarily marketing masters. As a developer, you can build awesome stuff that eases our lives...

How to Get More Traffic from Uncontested Keywords

How to Get More Traffic from Uncontested Keywords

If you’ve been trying to rank for a highly contested search term for a while – you’ll know how hard it is. Personally, I struggled for years trying to rank for certain terms that I thought were important for my business. Even after I finally got where I wanted to...

How to Improve Your Leadership Skills

How to Improve Your Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are important in this day and age. It plays an integral part in career development. Technical skillset can only get you so far but it is the soft skills that will take you even further. In order to be a good leader, you need to have traits that...

How to Best Use Writing and Proofreading Tools

How to Best Use Writing and Proofreading Tools

All good writers have identified one or two writing and proofreading tools that are a must use when writing articles. These tools have the sole purpose of enhancing the flow of the articles while minimizing on the grammatical and spelling mistakes. Great articles don’t come easy! It takes a lot...

How to Write an Eye-Catching Blog for the Readers

How to Write an Eye-Catching Blog for the Readers

You’ve perhaps understood how preeminent blogging is to the progress and development of your blog marketing. Without proper blog formation, you’ll probably have nothing to publicize in social media. In addition to that, you’ll be having limited pages to focus on relevant calls-to-action that produce inbound leads.

Ninja Guide For How To Web Design Better

Ninja Guide For How To Web Design Better

Prior to now websites were intricately designed starting right from the point of nothing, with no type of execution of pre-planned formats or styles. They were vastly improved that way. So allude it as a sharp truth or a myth, yet sites used to be more creative and capricious with...

How to Stay on The Top of Marketing Trends?

How to Stay on The Top of Marketing Trends?

A good business venture, idea or invention requires the best of efforts and financial support to succeed. But what acts like a backbone to a business practice or idea is marketing. Marketing not only leads to the promotion of the idea or the product/service but also makes the people aware...

How to Create a Website

How to Create a Website

Creating a website can seem like a daunting mission, considering that just a few years ago you needed a professional to do it for you. However, Simbla’s platform is designed so that anyone can create a website with ease, regardless of how techy he is or isn’t.

5 Best Tips to Grow Your YouTube Channel

5 Best Tips to Grow Your YouTube Channel

YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing website. It is very easy to create a YouTube channel and post videos. In this blog post, I am going to share the top 5 tips to grow your YouTube channel. You can very easily market your brand and earn revenue...

How to Steal the Most Valuable Content from Your Competitors

How to Steal the Most Valuable Content from Your Competitors

Have you ever known how well your competitors rank in Google? Part of successful content marketing strategy is to look what you competitors do and do it better yourself. Of course, you can write great content and hope for Google to rank it high in SERPs. But it would be...

How to Improve In-Demand Job Skills That Employers Are Looking For In 2016

How to Improve In-Demand Job Skills That Employers Are Looking For In 2016

The skills required to do a particular job efficiently is known as “skill in demand.” To increase the chances of being hired in your field, you must have certain skills. Apart from a distinct skill set, there are also other common skills that employers are looking. Good news is that...

I Want To Make Money From My Mobile App But How?

I Want To Make Money From My Mobile App But How?

The Smartphone App industry has been growing at a rapid pace & industry experts predict that mobile app popularity will continue to increase in upcoming years. This popularity has led the app world to a situation where we have billions of mobile applications available in different app stores. With such...

How to Write Professional SEO Optimize Content for The Website?

How to Write Professional SEO Optimize Content for The Website?

Content writing is the art of winning the heart of the readers. But it is not just limited here. One of the enviable aspects of writing content is the optimization for search engines. If you want to write an appealing content that could be easily optimized for search engines, then...

How to Secure your iPhone Properly

How to Secure your iPhone Properly

When it comes to your iPhone, or any smartphone for that matter, security is key. You’ve spent so much money on this device already, whether you purchased the phone outright, or if you’re tied into a contract. The last thing you want is for it to get lost or stolen....