Category: How To

Writing A Good “About Us” Page – 12 Must Follow Tips in 2015

Writing A Good “About Us” Page – 12 Must Follow Tips in 2015

Your ‘About Us’ page is the one territory of your little business site where you truly have an opportunity to recount your story—who you are, what your little business is about, and what makes you one of a kind from your rivals. Tragically, it’s one range where considerable measures of...

12 Actionable Ways To Improve Page Speed

12 Actionable Ways To Improve Page Speed

Having fast page speed is definitely vital for improving your website’s search engine ranking, conversion rates, and overall user experiences. If your website isn’t running at peak performance, this sluggishness could be costing you big in lower rankings and less organic traffic. Page speed has a large effect on your...

How to Test Skills of Web Developer Before Hiring

How to Test Skills of Web Developer Before Hiring

Who is responsive for the success of web project? Someone says that it’s CTO, Project Manager, or Team Lead. It’s true, to be honest. But in fact the main mistake of these persons could be a mistake while hiring developers, not the mistake while managing the project. The choosing of...

How Web Designers Can Provide Their Own Year-End Reviews

How Web Designers Can Provide Their Own Year-End Reviews

You know your design skills are up to par. From web layouts to UIs, you consistently impress teammates and clients alike. You’re a true web design maverick. But in the modern work environment, you also have to be a manager – regardless whether you’re responsible for anyone else or not....

How to Get The Most Out of Your .htaccess File

How to Get The Most Out of Your .htaccess File

If you’ve been a web designer for any length of time, chances are you’ve run across the mysterious “.htacess” file at one point or another. Others may ask, what’s an “ht” and why do I need access to it? Whether a beginner or pro, though, knowing what the htaccess file...

How to Design Awesome Infographics

How to Design Awesome Infographics

Even if information is highly out of ordinary and attention-grabbing, if your content contains lengthy plain text without illustration or images whatsoever, the entire page becomes dull and unimaginative. To sort this out, infographics help in routing information in a creative manner and in a style making your information easier...

How To Do Keyword Research (What You Need to Know?)

How To Do Keyword Research (What You Need to Know?)

Search-engine optimization (SEO) is a main ingredient in website upkeep and an inescapable part of online marketing. The process of keyword research is vital to good SEO. Keyword-stuffing used to be the master card in terms of SEO, but those days are gone. Keyword research still carries weight, and website...

How to Get the Most From Your Design Education

How to Get the Most From Your Design Education

Finding the best way to get a good design education is hard. The costs of going to a university are getting out of control and the wages designers are making are not going up. There is enough information online to teach yourself how to be a designer but finding the...

How to Take Good Sports Photographs

How to Take Good Sports Photographs

Shooting sports pictures can be very exciting and fulfilling experience, provided you have patience and necessary skills. A fundamental knowledge of the game definitely helps in sports photography. Browse a lot of sports magazines or photography websites to get an idea and feel of the game.

How To Build a Customer Base

How To Build a Customer Base

Every business wants customers that bring a lot of website traffic and profits. A strong customer base is the foundation of a successful business. Whether you’re marketing for a blog or for a huge brand, every business needs to focus on its customers. Rome was not built in a day,...

How to Overcome the Worst Moments in Your Career

How to Overcome the Worst Moments in Your Career

The web design blogs assure to any web designer the needed tips, resources and information for being able to create websites and online applications at the highest standards. Some of the most talented designers entertain the web design blogosphere and it’s a good guaranty that the huge majority of the...

How to Handle Negativity in Your Design Business

How to Handle Negativity in Your Design Business

Negativity (or Criticism) is extraordinarily helpful and, at the same time, can be extraordinarily destructive. It depends where it comes from. We have probably all come across individuals who criticize everything and everybody, for example. Their constant stream of criticism probably comes from a need to assert their sense of...

How to Deal With Wild or Obnoxious Blog Commenters

How to Deal With Wild or Obnoxious Blog Commenters

IN COLLEGE, the bulletin board in the student center can be a handy tool for most students looking for what’s happening on campus. If these bulletin boards aren’t well kept, they become a clash of posters all screaming for your attention but none of them getting it. Blogs and news...

How to Become a Successful Freelancer

How to Become a Successful Freelancer

As a freelancer, you are free to put your feet up and work, if that’s what gets your creative juices flowing. Yet it takes talent, business savvy, commitment and time to be a successful freelancer. Freelancers are always in search of some work, so that they can earn something by...

Successful Entrepreneur: What It Is and How to Become One?

Successful Entrepreneur: What It Is and How to Become One?

Many people dream of becoming an entrepreneur. The title is immediately associated with success. Although it sounds out of reach, any person who starts a business and assumes some or all of the risk of that business is an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, not everyone is successful. While entrepreneurship requires an above-average...