Category: How To

9 Call To Action Tactics – How To Capture Customers Enthusiasm?

9 Call To Action Tactics – How To Capture Customers Enthusiasm?

Customers’ are quite enthusiastic when they find a website or online store worth visiting after searching for hours. They expect a lot from an online store that is why their ease of using the website shall be the utmost priority of a website in order to capture their enthusiasm. It...

16 Things to Do to Get Inspired to Write

16 Things to Do to Get Inspired to Write

First thing first, tell yourself this; You are a writer. You got this! Done? Great now let us talk about that little hurdle that led you here. Inspiration is a slippery creature, and sometimes it evades us for days. It is normal, don’t feel super bad about it, it happens....

How To Optimize Native Advertising To Grow A Business

How To Optimize Native Advertising To Grow A Business

So, have you been on the internet for the past two hours desperately trying to figure out the answer to the question “What exactly is native advertising?“ It can be simply defined as a form of online advertisement that matches the function and form of the platform on which it...

PHP Website Development Tips: Get Better Ranking in Search Engine

PHP Website Development Tips: Get Better Ranking in Search Engine

To improve Google Ranking for any PHP website development project, we generally implement SEO strategies. SEO stands for search engine optimization that helps in ranking your PHP powered website. There is a requirement of consistent application of the Google SEO, and hence, there is constant need to update the sire....

Easy Steps To Speed Up Your Image Heavy Website

Easy Steps To Speed Up Your Image Heavy Website

The site owner may eventually want to increase his download speed. This increases the ranking of search results; besides, it is more pleasant for site visitors to work with it by getting a faster response to their actions. In search of a quick and straightforward solution, site owners install a...

How to Create a Simple but Effective Design Portfolio

How to Create a Simple but Effective Design Portfolio

Countless blog posts have taught you how to create a portfolio, and some of them are valuable. So why did I write another article featuring tips for creating a portfolio? First, most writers feature tips for all kind of portfolios in a single blog post. Portfolios for actors, painters, photographers,...

How to Create Landing Page Design That Increases Conversions

How to Create Landing Page Design That Increases Conversions

People create landing pages for different purposes: someone is looking to grow an email list, present new product, or increase sales. Depending on your goals, you can steer your visitors in exactly the direction you want them to take using a landing page. Conversion Rate Experts brought $1M to Moz...

How the ERP System is Showing Perfection in the Business

How the ERP System is Showing Perfection in the Business

Nowadays, ERP systems are fundamental for the management of thousands of companies of all sizes and belonging to different sectors. For these companies, ERP is as important as the electricity that powers all the systems.

How to Design the Perfect Office

How to Design the Perfect Office

Picture an office, and what do you see? Is it people sat at desks, typing on PCs? If so, you’re probably not alone. This is a classic depiction of the corporate workspace. For decades, it’s been an accurate one. But this is slowly changing.

How to Use Hashtags to Attract New Customers and Followers

How to Use Hashtags to Attract New Customers and Followers

With several billion monthly active users on social media, attracting customers is the name of the game for any business. The dog-eat-dog nature of the business world today means that business owners need to up their game. Getting new customers is becoming more difficult due to the amount of competition...

How To Create The Ideal Web Catalog For Your Customers?

How To Create The Ideal Web Catalog For Your Customers?

It’s official. We’re in the digital era. Thus, taking into account the massive amount of purchases made online every day, it’s imperative that any striving business has an enticing web catalog. There’s even a term for it now. You don’t showcase a product, you “webcase” it.

How To Handle Every Graphic Design Challenge With Ease Using These Tips

How To Handle Every Graphic Design Challenge With Ease Using These Tips

Someone has said, “A picture speaks a thousand words”. This fact was never more true for anyone else, but for graphic designers. Graphic design is a process of communicating with your target customer using tools like typography, photography and illustration. Common uses of graphic design can be found in corporate...

How Do Apps Contribute Towards Monetization

How Do Apps Contribute Towards Monetization

Building apps is a business and this trade needs investment and the returns as well. After all, money is important for your application. As popular your app would get, the more money it would make. We are lucky enough to reside in an era where we have got thousands of...

How Writers Can Use Markdown in WordPress to Improve Blogging Experience?

How Writers Can Use Markdown in WordPress to Improve Blogging Experience?

If you’re a WordPress user, you must have come across the term Markdown. In case you’re wondering What is Markdown? How to get started with it? You have landed on the right page. Everything that you need to know about Markdown is right here. We’ll briefly discuss the benefits and...

Productivity Secrets: Tips To Make Your Mondays More Actionable

Productivity Secrets: Tips To Make Your Mondays More Actionable

(Hint; A Strong Cup Of Coffee And Much Much More!) This Monday morning while I was relishing my coffee I saw a post by one of my subordinates which consisted of “I hate Mondays” meme. This post got me thinking when and how did hating Mondays become so fashionable. How...