Category: Tools

6 of the Singularly Most Amazing Tools to Recover Your Lost Smartphone

6 of the Singularly Most Amazing Tools to Recover Your Lost Smartphone

Of all the things that make us cringe, the prospect of losing our Smartphone is most jitter-worthy. They sure as hell cost a fortune but that’s not the only reason we fear them getting misplaced or stolen. Our Smartphones are our daily diary of to-do tasks, our only way of...

DIY App Platforms That Makes Your Life Easy

DIY App Platforms That Makes Your Life Easy

There comes a situation when you do not want to hire a Mobile app development companies for designing applications for your business. But the trend says that you cannot afford not having a mobile app. What will you do in that case? Do not worry; in this article we are...

How Efficient Your Website is? The Most Significant Metrics and Approaches Compiled

How Efficient Your Website is? The Most Significant Metrics and Approaches Compiled

Website development is a troublesome matter, demanding loads of mental and financial resources. Sure enough, website owners believe in miracles that are likely to happen right after the project launch and make them more popular, loved by their visitors and well-off at the result. Nobody wants to waste money, on...

Proofreading Tools for Professional Writers

Proofreading Tools for Professional Writers

Claims that professionals writers use software that is wildly different from that used by other people and students is silly. The expensive software packages are used less than the free online tools or the ones that come with Microsoft Word, Office or Works. On this article you will find a...

9 Amazingly Effective WordPress Advertising Plugins You’ll Want to Use

9 Amazingly Effective WordPress Advertising Plugins You’ll Want to Use

Hi there! Your mere presence on this post means you’re a proud WordPress website owner. Well, now that you’ve set up your WordPress web portal and published a few articles and blogs on the same, you’ll definitely want to incorporate some ads and affiliate site links on the same. It...

What is Website Performance and Why is it Important

What is Website Performance and Why is it Important

Web performance or website optimization simply means the optimizing the speed of web elements (pages, images, other file formats etc.) which are downloaded or displayed on the user’s web browser. Attempts to improve download and display speeds have existed to earlier times; however, it was the Steve Souders who described...

10 Best Alternatives to Photoshop You Must Know

10 Best Alternatives to Photoshop You Must Know

Today, the picture has become an important tool to achieve the goal and is considered the most important visual communication tools, especially in our world today. The Photoshop PROGRAMS OF MONTHS Modify pictures, and even in the design in general. But in spite of the Adobe Photoshop program is excellent,...

10 Incredible WordPress Plugins for Job Boards

10 Incredible WordPress Plugins for Job Boards

When it comes to job boards, it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle amongst available online options. In order to stand out, your board has to be both visually appealing and intuitive in design. Luckily, WordPress is replete with plugins you can incorporate as a part of...

Best Tools to Measure and Track Your Influence

Best Tools to Measure and Track Your Influence

Tracking your influence on the Internet is a tricky business, but the fact that social media is so popular is actually a big help. People used to visit forums to voice their opinion and picking through the relevant ones was a very difficult job (it still is) unless you were...

15 Critical Mobile Apps That Web Designers And Developers Cannot Live Without

15 Critical Mobile Apps That Web Designers And Developers Cannot Live Without

With the world getting mobile, every single thing is available under your thumb now. Modern mobile apps allow you to perform the real work than just cuddling your mobile phone with your thumb. Here we are giving you 15 most crucial mobile apps that today’s modern web designers and developers...

Review Of Good Design Feedback Tools

Review Of Good Design Feedback Tools

IT professionals are constantly looking for ways to improve their web designs and website development skills. One of the most effective critiquing tools they have in their corner is the use of feedback. Feedback, whether good or bad, allows them to see what others think about their product and design....

10 Useful WordPress Plugins to Improve Your Site’s Search

10 Useful WordPress Plugins to Improve Your Site’s Search

WordPress is the best blogging platform out there and with each new version, it gets better and better, but one thing that hasn’t been fixed for ages is – the default search system. If you have spent some time playing with WordPress, then you know the default search is far...

Top 30 Fabulous jQuery Sliders for Free

Top 30 Fabulous jQuery Sliders for Free

If you are looking for ways to spice up your website design, then jQuery objects are definitely a must to include. These simple scripts not only improve the design of your site’s pages, but they also offer a more unique functionality. Sliders are some of the most versatile of these...

Font Replacement Methods: Techniques for Web Fonts

Font Replacement Methods: Techniques for Web Fonts

Currently there are a few cross-platform compatible fonts that designers can use with the certainty that users have them installed on their system. Over the years, several alternatives have appeared to let designers add specific fonts to their pages; for example, techniques such as sIFR and Cufón rely on methods...

15 Super Cool and Awesome jQuery Layout and UI Plugins

15 Super Cool and Awesome jQuery Layout and UI Plugins

In today’s competitive time, who doesn’t want to catch the attention of its targeted audience? None of us, right? Yeah, on the internet we all want to provide our audience with an awesome design and advanced features with quick navigation to cheer and brag about. And in this, the latest...