Category: Tools

Top 2015 Web Tools You Should Know About

Top 2015 Web Tools You Should Know About

Psst…hey, yeah, you. Are you searching for the most important web tools you should know about in 2015? Well, you’ve come to the absolutely perfect place, scroll on to see what awesome tools we’ve gathered for you.

Top 10 Plugins That Make Your Site Mobile-Responsive

Top 10 Plugins That Make Your Site Mobile-Responsive

Having a responsive website that works on desktop and mobile devices used to be a mere option, but these days it is downright necessary. People may use your website at first, but they will flock to your competitors if they offer them the chance to use their website on mobile...

Top Free Web Building Resources for Freelancers and Small Businesses

Top Free Web Building Resources for Freelancers and Small Businesses

Building a web presence as a freelancer or small business is tough. There are so many angles that you have to cover and every one takes precious time that you don’t have. There are some great web building resources aimed at freelancers and more aimed at small businesses. These are...

Social Media Tools With Great Design

Social Media Tools With Great Design

Design is the most crucial aspect of app development and its quality determines the success of an app. The two primary characteristics of great design are ease of use and experience. Well-designed apps don’t make the user do any thinking. They are built to do all the work for them,...

Webydo: The Center Of Your Web Design Empire

Webydo: The Center Of Your Web Design Empire

Web design can be a challenging and frustrating process. You are hired to design a website for a client, only to realize that the majority of the budget for that project (as much as 70%) will have to go to a developer, who will take your carefully crafted designs and...

Create Super Sites with CSS Tools and Resources

Create Super Sites with CSS Tools and Resources

Designing a website can be a tedious task considering the amount of work that needs to be put into it: Find your host, plan it out, code every page, then some more pages, and then more, and then well, you get the idea. However, some web designers or developers will...

Awesome WordPress Advertising Plugins for Websites/Blogs

Awesome WordPress Advertising Plugins for Websites/Blogs

If, you had successfully created a website by putting different categories of content and the content delivered on your website is increasing traffic every day, then the question arise that how difficult the whole journey was from starting to end? Putting effective, productive and attractive content on a website is...

21 Great Tools for Responsive Web Design

21 Great Tools for Responsive Web Design

As web designer, we knows that responsive web design had come to stay. You’ve taken your time to build a very beautiful and robust website, with considerable number of traffic to your site from search engines. Then, you come to the reality of devices. Which device will be used to...

Safeguard Your WordPress Website With The Best Security Plugins

Safeguard Your WordPress Website With The Best Security Plugins

WordPress hosts a whopping percent of the total number of websites live on the World Wide Web; yet, it is surprising to note there’s not clarity among webmasters in terms of website security with WordPress. Every day, webmasters lose their sleep and their websites’ data to hackers and unauthorized bots....

20 Unparalleled Resources Addressing Each Attribute in Web Design and Development

20 Unparalleled Resources Addressing Each Attribute in Web Design and Development

Go-for-broke ambition may not be the hallmark of every web designer, but a slick and chrome piece of work is something all yearn to create. The same holds true for the web developers. Some designers and developers like to go around at formulaic paces while other choose a more innovative...

Could One Person Create and Run a Website Alone: Helpful Tools

Could One Person Create and Run a Website Alone: Helpful Tools

Website is a necessity, not a whim. Home-based businesses are more than just popular today, they are successful for many promising entrepreneurs. Being online means selling goods and services with a lightning speed, but information spreading is the main benefit you can get from online presence. It works like a...

Hidden Features in iOS 8: You’ll Wonder How You Ever Lived Without Them

Hidden Features in iOS 8: You’ll Wonder How You Ever Lived Without Them

Apple did a magnificent with its latest mobile operating system, iOS 8, integrating a lot of features that users have been suggesting and craving for a long time, as well as some new additions of their own. While some of the features are obvious right from the first second, others...

Here Are 20 Web Development Tools You Shouldn’t Go Without

Here Are 20 Web Development Tools You Shouldn’t Go Without

Web development is one of the topics on everybody’s lips. Whether it’s people talking about the website launched for the latest film, about the online shops they choose to visit or even actual web developers trading ideas, everyone is in on the discussion about websites. This is one of the...

The Efficient Ways to Promote and Sell Your Plugin

The Efficient Ways to Promote and Sell Your Plugin

You’ve spent ten thousand hours (the rule of the success by Malcolm Gladwell) to develop a great plugin. All WordPress standards were followed and were taken into account all feature requests. You’ve made a great work but it’s only the beginning of your road to first achievements. Now the main...

Use Ptengine Heatmap to Make Your Website Perfect

Use Ptengine Heatmap to Make Your Website Perfect

If content is king, then design is the castle. Good web design for businesses not only has the content to peak audience interest for whatever product or service you’re sell-ing, but also has an intuitive UI to encourage sales. Lots of designers think they have brilliant ideas for designing UI,...