Tag Archives: Tips

Tips to Assist Freelancers in Meeting Project Deadlines

Tips to Assist Freelancers in Meeting Project Deadlines

Being one’s own boss is a lucrative profession for budding freelancers, but it has its own set of challenges. Being the boss implies that you take all the responsibility for your business. One lapse and you could ruin your reputation, without any guarantee that you’d have an opportunity for redemption....

Don’t Take Rejection Personally

Don’t Take Rejection Personally

It’s one thing to try to avoid getting emotional about business matters; it’s another to switch off your emotions entirely. We’re all human, and I’m convinced that being emotional is a gift to us from God. I can shout this out loud with full confidence: each one of us gets...

The Mercenary’s Guide to Effective Writing

The Mercenary’s Guide to Effective Writing

Writing is an art, and as with any art, one must properly train for it. I started writing a while back and was really happy with my work, until I noticed readers poking fun at my writing and criticizing every little thing that I did. My articles were not well...

A Complete Strategy to Write Valuable Content

A Complete Strategy to Write Valuable Content

Every online presence has as a main purpose to be visited by an increased number of visitors or clients. The most important traffic source is represented by the search engines; there is a huge difference, in terms of potential surfers, between a position on the first page and a position...

Turn Your Computer off and Manage Your Sleeping Time

Turn Your Computer off and Manage Your Sleeping Time

Some years ago, a famous adventure game titled Monkey Island (The Secret of Monkey Island, LucasArt 1990, someone else could remember Guybrush Treepwood the mighty pirate?) after the credits of the game clearly said “Now turn off your computer and go to sleep!”. In that case the authors joke about...

Ways to Increase Your Monthly Income as a Freelancer

Ways to Increase Your Monthly Income as a Freelancer

Becoming a freelancer is a way to work at home and be independent without having to start a business. Freelance work varies greatly. Some projects require clients to sign written agreements, while others provide work based on verbal agreements that are enforceable through the nature of the project. Some freelancers...

How to Effectively Handle Web Design Criticism

How to Effectively Handle Web Design Criticism

Regardless of where you work or who you work for, taking criticism is part of the job. Sometimes comments demand a response. Other times, ignoring them is better. Determining when and how to respond to negative comments is something that every individual and organization wrestles with. Despite its negative associations,...

Online Copywriting: Make Your Website Copy Dazzle

Online Copywriting: Make Your Website Copy Dazzle

If there’s one generalization you should make as a website writer, it’s that your visitors have short attention spans and are overly saturated with information. If you’d rather generalize, then just think about this fact: search is the most popular function on the internet. This means most visitors to your...

10 Bad Writing Habits you Should Avoid

10 Bad Writing Habits you Should Avoid

Writing is an art, and like any other art one must be properly trained to do so. I started writing sometime back and was really happy about my work until all the readers laughed at my work and made fun on each and every thing I did. My writing wasn’t...

Effective Ways to Promote Your Business Offline

Effective Ways to Promote Your Business Offline

Promotion of a business is as important as the business itself, there is a huge marketing industry whose business is to advertise and promote different businesses, commodities and services. Pepsi spends 80% of its revenues on promotion of its products. There are many examples where the cost of manufacturing a...

How to Deal With Negative Criticism

How to Deal With Negative Criticism

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have been subject to criticism for any damn work and couldn’t arouse your critic’s attention on a rather special project of yours? In business and in general as well you need to be open to criticism and need to know...

47 CSS Tips & Tricks To Take Your Site To The Next Level

47 CSS Tips & Tricks To Take Your Site To The Next Level

CSS is a wonderful language for presenting web pages. It’s not too difficult to learn, though like most things, it does have a learning curve. Where many people seem to get tripped up is in specific solutions to specific problems. Fortunately there’s a good chance that someone before you has...

14 Traits of Successful Blogs

14 Traits of Successful Blogs

Millions of people start a blog every year. Conversely, many blogs die every year from lack of updates, lack of interest, not having original content, copying/stealing of content from fellow bloggers or copyright violation etc. Those that stand above the others stand far above the others. Have you ever visited...

22 Latest Exceptional WordPress Hacks

22 Latest Exceptional WordPress Hacks

WordPress needs no introduction among designers and writers. It’s usually known as a synonym for blogging. Now days every other WordPress blogs look more or less similar, to stand uniquely out from the rest, you need to tweak it a little bit by using quality hacks. As you all known...