90 Creative Coming Soon Page Designs and Resources

If you planning to launch new online project or your new site then coming soon pages can be handy tools for you as under construction page proven to get most out of these early announcements.

90 Creative Coming Soon Page Designs and Resources

Now days Creative Designs is one of the key aspects for improving your website’s future traffic and pagerank. Getting a site featured in some of the popular WordPress/CSS galleries can bring thousands of visitors and many valuable inbound links with excellent SEO benefits.

It’s always hard to think in right direction and even harder to find right inspiration. Here in this showcase below, you'll find a comprehensive collection of Creative Coming Soon Pages which will give you better understanding of design capabilities as well as inspiration for your site's coming soon page.


14 Traits of Successful Blogs

Millions of people start a blog every year. Conversely, many blogs die every year from lack of updates, lack of interest, not having original content, copying/stealing of content from fellow bloggers or copyright violation etc. Those that stand above the others stand far above the others.

14 Traits of Successful Blogs

Have you ever visited a blog and wondered how they got 100,000 RSS subscribers or 200,000 Twitter followers? Well, the most essential and basic ingredients behind any successful blog is Focus, Passion, and Originality. This post looks critically at some of the most successful blogs and identifies some common traits. This is a subjective list of traits that seem to be shared among successful and highly-trafficked blogs. None of these traits guarantee blog success, but rather are a set of common variables among the top blogs on the internet.


30 Best Movie Posters of 2009

Movie posters are known for a brief introduction of what the movie all about. Every movie has a poster for its publicity and marketing purpose. Now over the past few years, we’ve continuously seen a boom of posters and DVD covers continuing to appropriate the style.

30 Best Movie Posters of 2009

A good poster is a very easy job for an regular artist but a creative poster takes a lot amount of time and thinking for one or more group of artists which however, reaches beyond the simple advertisement work to a piece of art and the outcome is so wonderful then a regular movie poster that it made movie memorable. Still there are exceptions in which movie rating was really low but the posters are really inspirational.

In the Presentation below, we collected Best Cinematic Poster Arts that fairly creative and dare to be different, all from 2009 films.


Top Articles On The Web Design Billboard In December’09

A perfect layout, A Good Design and Nice Resource can produce a creative output. Layout, textures, typography and patterns are used more often than one may think but the outcome of different combination can result verity of excellent designs. Professionalism is built upon knowledge and experience. However, When it comes to selection of right resources you need to be very careful and specific about needs.

Top Articles On The Web Design Billboard In December’09

In this round-up, you’ll find number of top resources, tutorials, freebies which left deep impression on web design community, as the month of December had a lot of interesting articles produces by different sources.