Category: Web Design

16 Web Design And Marketing Conferences You Should Go To In 2016

16 Web Design And Marketing Conferences You Should Go To In 2016

As we move more towards a digital world, it’s essential to upgrade our skills to future-proof our careers. Trends change with technology and what better way is there than to learn from experts who have witnessed the changes first-hand! All while overcoming difficulties and excelling in their field. So, we...

15 Less Known Factors That Could Affect Your Website UX

15 Less Known Factors That Could Affect Your Website UX

Various definitions of UX given by various experts however in simple language it may be defined as overall experience of a user with the company’s product or services, with the growing online industry websites are laying much stress on creating best user experience for the users. It’s also considered as...

10 Must-to-Have Modern Web Design Elements in 2016

10 Must-to-Have Modern Web Design Elements in 2016

In the world of web, every coming year brings new discoveries and new innovations with it. We come across new events, incidents, trends, fashions and designs. Similarly, in the world of web we regularly see new developments, styles and features in website design every year. The innovation in bringing up...

An Exhaustive Guide to the Web Design Trends of 2016

An Exhaustive Guide to the Web Design Trends of 2016

Last year brought to the fore many new changes in the world of web design. And this year too is all set to bring about dramatic changes in the web design arena. But this year, the changes will be bigger and better than ever before. In fact, a fair share...

The Value of Web Design For a Smooth Sailing Customer Journey

The Value of Web Design For a Smooth Sailing Customer Journey

Mapping customer journey is a marketing practice that is vital to marketing strategies. Brands and companies are now adapting this in order to get a holistic approach to campaigns. Creating a customer journey for websites should be a starting point because this is where most marketing teams have failed to...

Will Mobilegeddon Cause a Mobile Website Design Revolution?

Will Mobilegeddon Cause a Mobile Website Design Revolution?

When search giant Google announced its new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm back in April, the news sent shockwaves through the global digital community. We braced, trembling in our boots, as the ominous so-called ‘Mobilegeddon’ approached. As the nickname implies, most of us in the search community expected the shift to mark...

Scratching Your Head Over Low Traffic? Get Back to the Basics of Design With a New Outlook

Scratching Your Head Over Low Traffic? Get Back to the Basics of Design With a New Outlook

If you use Google analytics or some other analytics tool, and your traffic is not meeting your goals, you may indeed be scratching your head. Or maybe you are getting traffic with huge bounce rates early in the visit. What are you missing? Here is a checklist of sorts that...

Powerful Mix of Awesomeness: CSS3 and jQuery

Powerful Mix of Awesomeness: CSS3 and jQuery

CSS3 has always been a good friend for web designers and since the inception of jQuery, they have made the web platforms easy and independent. They offer an insight to the most crucial factors of any web process i.e. inspiration via User Interface and Knowledge via Coding. After all, that’s...

Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Website UX

Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Website UX

As websites have grown from just information portals to important business assets, the user experience of websites has grown in importance. Moreover, your website isn’t just competing with other sites, but it is also trying to fend of competition from mobile apps. Apps are much faster and users find them...

What’s the Latest in E-Commerce Web Design?

What’s the Latest in E-Commerce Web Design?

A trillion-digit industry, yet you find over 65,000 names struggling to cross the bar of $1,000 in the world of E-commerce. Go through the stats, and I bet you will find an empire full of disparities. You may be offering far better products than the big names in the market,...

How to Quickly Increase Conversion Rates With Simple Design Tricks

How to Quickly Increase Conversion Rates With Simple Design Tricks

Few things are more frustrating than having a dissatisfied client – especially after you’ve poured hours of work into carefully designing each individual aspect of their website. And yet, while the site may be smooth and aesthetically pleasing, it’s still entirely possible that a client could come to you and...

Web Design, Fonts and Effective Use of Typography in 2015

Web Design, Fonts and Effective Use of Typography in 2015

2015 has been a year of profound advancements in the technology sector. The world witnessed some extravagant changes that happened in the mobile and web design & development technology. In this piece of information, we will mainly talk about the latest trends that are being followed in the web development...

Modern Trends are Killing the Skeuomorphism School of Design

Modern Trends are Killing the Skeuomorphism School of Design

In the early 2000s, skeuomorphism ruled supreme as the leading design trend in the world of mobile app designs. At that time, designers were looking for easy ways to make users feel at home when using mobile apps. And if you had been living under rocks, Skeuomorph (skyoo-uh-morf) is derived...

21 Common Blog Design Blunders And How to Fix Them

21 Common Blog Design Blunders And How to Fix Them

You can have high quality content with great images on your blog, but if it’s not designed for the optimum user experience, you’ll be in trouble. The idea of good website design varies to some degree based on the designer’s preferences, but ultimately, good design will clearly covey visual information...