Tag Archives: html5

The Evolution of HTML5 [Infographic]

The Evolution of HTML5 [Infographic]

HTML5 is sure to be a big hit this year as far as web design trends go, and rightfully so. It aims to improve upon its predecessors by enhancing the language and support. It’s new, exciting, easy to understand and better than anything that has come before it while still...

15 Free HTML5 Audio Players For Your Website and Blogs

15 Free HTML5 Audio Players For Your Website and Blogs

HTML5 is sure to be a big hit this year as far as web design trends go, and rightfully so. It’s new, exciting, easy to understand and better than anything that has come before it. Up until recently, we have had to navigate a grey area in terms of compatibility...

50 Excellent CSS3 Website Designs for Inspiration

50 Excellent CSS3 Website Designs for Inspiration

The web is constantly evolving. New and creative websites are being created every day, pushing the limitations of HTML & CSS in every direction. CSS has come a long way from formatting the structured content. It was used to control layout of documents precisely and to apply different layouts to...

30 Ecommerce Sites Using HTML5

30 Ecommerce Sites Using HTML5

Searching online it’s easy to find great examples of websites using HTML5, but less easy to discover such sites by category. Commercial sites using the fifth revision to its full potential have been showing up all over the world, so we decided to research and collate some of the better...

HTML5 Best Practices for Designers

HTML5 Best Practices for Designers

HTML5 is sure to be a big hit this year as far as web design trends go, and rightfully so. It’s new, exciting, easy to understand and better than anything that has come before it. Up until recently, we have had to navigate a grey area in terms of compatibility...

50+ Creative Examples of Websites Designed With HTML5

50+ Creative Examples of Websites Designed With HTML5

The web is constantly evolving. New and creative websites are being created every day, pushing the limitations of HTML in every direction. HTML4 has been around for nearly a decade and now its time to move forward. To give authors more flexibility and interoperability, HTML5 is proposed as the next...

70+ Inspirational Examples of Websites Designed With HTML5

70+ Inspirational Examples of Websites Designed With HTML5

The web is constantly evolving. New and creative websites are being created every day, pushing the limitations of HTML in every direction. HTML4 has been around for nearly a decade and now its time to move forward. To give authors more flexibility and interoperability, HTML5 is proposed as the next...

Can Flash Move Forward?

Can Flash Move Forward?

There has been a long debate about Adobe Vs. Apple, or even Flash Vs. HTML5. Whatever side of the fence you are on—you probably won’t be changing your mind anytime soon. Flash brings a lot of features and creativity for web designers, but then again the promise of HTML5, CSS3...

HTML5: Worth the Hype?

HTML5: Worth the Hype?

HTML5 has been getting more and more buzz as it is almost ready for launch. The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) last month declared HTML5 in a “last call” phase. Since it has been around a decade for any real upgrade in HTML, it is no wonder computer...