How to Take Good People/Portrait Photographs

People are probably the most widely photographed subjects. However, people photography needs special treatment in terms of composition, lighting, depth of field and most importantly a “natural look”. It is a misconception that shooting people/portraits needs elaborate studio equipment. Contrary to the popular belief, people can be photographed successfully in natural light.

How to Take Good People/Portrait Photographs

A traditional portrait is of a person sitting looking straight at the camera - in my opinion, far too boring. I like to get them to use hand gestures or else add a few props around them.


A Short Introduction into Typography

Due to the huge opportunities, sometimes, the online medium is more competitive than the "material reality" and, here, existing is equivalent to being professional. Freelance web designers but also specialized companies noticed this fact very quickly, doing their best to have an interesting and eye-catching online presence at the same time.

A Short Introduction into Typography

Nowadays, portfolios, the best proofs that reveal the skills and the potential of someone, are very important and these may make the difference between a successful web services provider and a non-profitable one. A part of the overall success is actually represented by the attention paid to all the details; nothing should be neglected because all the clients are just a click distance away from another competitor.


Construct a Framework for a Cross-Cultural Design

Nowadays Graphic Designers work globally in many different Countries. The designer should visually communicate symbols and colors. These elements are part of our social everyday life and come together with a various range of meanings which are different for each culture.This makes obvious how much the study of the cross-cultural communication is important for properly deliver the desired message.

Construct a Framework for a Cross-Cultural Design

Designers sometimes tend to propose solutions which reflect their own tastes and social habits. Aesthetic canons are strictly related to the environment and background information about the target should be well studied. In a cross-cultural communication the use of symbols which are culturally accepted is field which must be taken in consideration during preliminary studies and benchmarking.


Power Over Others: It’s Not What You Think

When I started my career, oddly enough as an illustrator, I asked a famous artists why there were so many nasty peers in the business and why professionals of his level were so friendly and helpful. He smiled and said, “there’s all the room at the top and precious little room at the bottom!”

Power Over Others: It’s Not What You Think

It’s very true. Those just starting out are jockeying for position, work and notoriety and the competition can get nasty... in every industry and profession. While the competition rages, chances are you will fall into a small clique of friends who struggle together without overt jealousy and backstabbing. You all grow your careers and some may fall behind others but you still view the rest as compatriots and take them along with you, raising some with you or being raised by them. It is that small group that empowers you and helps you gauge the industry, discuss the pitfalls and share tips and tricks that will strengthen you.


Single Page Website Designs: 60+ New and Creative Examples

As you’ve already seen in our previous posts about Single Page Website Designs that showcasing your work in single page design is a hot trend now days. It's kind of ironic to see what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. Even though this is not a common trend to follow but still as the new design styles come up, and as more and more designers notice them and make use of them in their work, this kind of trends emerge.

Single Page Website Designs: 60+ New and Creative Examples

In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational designs which is following the same trend of single page designs.


Effective Ways to Promote Your Online Business

Freelancing is on a high, and more and more professionals are taking this route. Executive-level full-time professionals are not the only ones contemplating it; personnel at all levels and from various industries want a taste of freelancing. The lure of “becoming one’s own boss” and deciding one’s own schedule is too hard to resist by anyone who considers themselves even partially good at their trade. Success stories of freelancers from all corners of the world and from different lines of businesses are inspiring budding entrepreneurs and instilling in them a belief that they are capable enough to share in this success.

Effective Ways to Promote Your Online Business

Various blogs and articles have flooded the Web with the pros and cons of being a freelancer. Every profession has its major challenges, and freelancing is no exception. Being the boss puts you in the decision-making seat and makes you responsible for any failures or losses. Just being good at your work will not ensure success, more so in freelancing thanks to the ever-increasing competition.