You can incorporate many elements into your web design that will create engagement, and keep your visitors’ attention. These include images, videos, and even sound. However, the most important part of almost every website is the content that visitors read in order to get the information that they read. If...
One of the most common elements of your website is typography. After all, it is for reading the content that visitors typically look to visit your web-pages. Undoubtedly, graphics and layouts are also key components of a webpage but you simply cannot ignore line heights, type size, and column width...
In recent years people have started to experiment with numerous systems of embedding web fonts into their pages. This is great for times when designers really want to have total control over their typesetting. This method has a few drawbacks, however. Most notably people using certain types of browsers won’t...
Web typography is nothing but implementing typography on web page. This is very important in order to identify oneself in the designing world. It is equally important that understanding and implementing typography successfully on your web page. This is an evolution in web designing to stand apart from all other...