Today, JavaScript take a leading place when it comes to client side programming and is used by professionals and web developers all over the world. JavaScript is a powerful language with many advanced features and frameworks like jQuery, YUI, SproutCore and Cappuccino. But it has certain disadvantages that JavaScript is...
Shortly after Apple announced that Opera Mini 5, the “super browser” from Google and Norwegian Opera Software company, was approved for their App Store, the downloads for the browser breached 1 million. The mobile browser, a staple in Java ME based phones as well as Symbian and Windows Mobile operating...
Twitter is a powerful micro-blogging service that’s evolving into one of the most sought out and widely used services online. With Twitter, professionals are able to avidly share, distribute, and promote information with the people who are following them. After all, finding an effective way to spread content throughout the...
Twitter has grown exponentially in the past few months and Still, It’s growing like crazy. Twitter has surpassed Facebook and others to become the fastest-growing site in the “Member Communities” category. Twitter is a powerful marketing and promotion tool that no active blogger can ignore. The “Twitter effect” is on...
Most of you already know that Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. There be no doubt: Twitter has grown exponentially in...