15 Real Time Web Startups Around

It's not a secret but the current trend on the web is toward more and more real-time information, There seems to be no end to companies saying they offer real time updates these days so the competition is on to collect, organize, and filter that data so that people can actually make sense of it.

15 Real Time Web Startups Around

The real time web has spawned hundreds of startups whom have built websites and tools to try and take advantage of the real time web. Twitter, of Course, is the real time publishing leader — the leading microblogging service. So much material is published by so many people so quickly through Twitter that real time updates is largely synonymous with searching tweets. In this article, we will introduce you to 15 of the real time startups. Seven of these startups are real time search engines and the other eight, offer tools to help you better take advantage of Twitter.


Ultimate Round-Up Of 60 Excellent Gimp Tutorials

When it comes to Image editing or photo enhancement, Adobe Photoshop is usually the primary option to consider. However the only problem is, the software package itself is a quite expensive for a general freelancer designers.

Ultimate Round-Up Of 60 Excellent Gimp Tutorials

So what about you!! Gives much sleep lately or lower open Photoshop, and some do not consider ethical pirate download, so many free software supporters choose to use a large software GNU image manipulation, if you guessed right, we talking about GIMP, a free software raster graphics editor.

Below, you’ll find some of the Best Gimp Tutorials and Resources Around for your Image editing & photo enhancement related needs which might help you to get inspired and learned a tip or two by the end of this presentation.


Top Articles On The Web Design Billboard In October’09

A perfect layout, A Good Design and Nice Resource can produce a creative output. Layout, textures, typography and patterns are used more often than one may think but the outcome of different combination can result verity of excellent designs. Professionalism is built upon knowledge and experience. However, When it comes to selection of right resources you need to be very careful and specific about needs.

Top Articles On The Web Design Billboard In October’09

In this round-up, you’ll find number of top resources, tutorials, freebies which left deep impression on web design community, as the month of October had a lot of interesting articles produces by different sources.


55+ Amazing Halloween Wallpapers to Charm Up Your Desktop

We all love desktop wallpapers as they always come in handy and you will always find a wallpaper to express your feelings or mood. I know some of my friends who keep changing their desktop background almost on a daily basis. Unless like me, who rarely change their desktop wallpaper. So, How about you? When was the last time you changed desktop background?

55+ Amazing Halloween Wallpapers to Charm Up Your Desktop

It's trick-or-treat time so gather the goblins, conjure up some creative costumes and prepare scary, and don't forget about your computers. In this post we present amazing collection of Halloween wallpapers related to ghosts, witches, rituals, haunted houses and, of Course, lots of pumpkins and candles. Hopefully, everybody will find something interesting to charm up their desktop in this bewitching season. All wallpapers can be downloaded for free from their original source.


80+ Photo Manipulations Art to Ignite Your Creativity

Throughout history, great designers always found new ways to show their creativity to express themselves and create new trends and techniques to remark their work apart from the rest of the crowd. Photo manipulation is an art in itself, that requires a skill and precision as we know, it is one of the most creative artforms to come out of the digital age.

80+ Photo Manipulations Art to Ignite Your Creativity

This presentation shows an incredible collection of photo manipulation art related to nature, photography, objects, illustrations, HDR as well as some abstract and fantasy-related concepts. Hopefully, everybody will find something interesting to ignite their creativity.