Is SEO Important For My Business?

Have you heard of SEO? Perhaps you have a business owner friend that has a great SEO campaign and you are wondering if it’s something that your business should implement.

Perhaps you have heard of the term and feel unsure of what it actually is. The experts at Crevand SEO of Boise, ID are here to explain why SEO is important for your business.

Keep reading to learn more.

Organic Marketing

Organic Marketing

One of the best parts about SEO is that it is organic marketing. Do you know the first three sites that come up when you type a word or phrase into Google? People are paying (and sometimes a lot of money) in order to be up at the top.

The thing is, when you have an ongoing and successful SEO strategy, you will naturally be ranked high. This is called organic marketing and it is what SEO is perfect for.

Increases Sales

The higher your website is ranked on Google the more people will click on it. If you have an average conversion rate of 30% and you have double the amount of people clicking on your website, this will mean you will be receiving double the amount of sales.

Although SEO can cost money in terms of hiring someone in order to do it, or your time, in the end, you are not needing to pay anything so it is all a great profit for you. As long as you continue to do small things every month in order for your SEO to stay high, it will stay highly ranked!

Doesn’t Cost Anything

Just as we stated, SEO does not have to cost you a thing. Many business owners when they are first getting started watch YouTube video after video trying to find some small tricks. Once you business grows, you want to be able to have your website rank as high as possible. That means that it’s important to hire someone and take that task off your plate. That also means that at the beginning, it doesn’t cost you anything.

Is Your Target Audience

Your Target Audience

When you are ranked on Google, you are showing up on people’s searching that are actually interested in your business. That means because they searched those specific keywords or keyword phrases, your website aligns and is pulling up. That means that almost anyone that is clicking on your website is your target audience and a potential sale.

When it comes to other types of marketing, and marketing that you would spend a lot of money on, you may be grabbing someone that in the past they searched for that, or they searched for it for their friend or family member. With SEO, there is no cost when someone clicks on your website and they are searching those words for a reason right then.

Keeps You Ahead of the Competition

As you can see, SEO is so important for your business success. It will not only help you get ahead of the competition, but it is an affordable way to bring a lot more people to your website and therefore a lot more sales. We hope that you now understand the importance of SEO and are on your way to a thriving strategy.

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  1. SEO is very important for the business to get leads…

  2. Really good article, SEO is really important and if any business is online, but not doing SEO they should really consider it.

  3. Awesome article, Beautifuly Explaned about importance of SEO in business. Thankyou for information

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