AI-Based Logo Design – Dos And Don’ts For Startups!

In today’s time; almost everything is interactive, attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Creativity now has limited boundaries as designers can now get easily fancy with logos, images, backgrounds, posters and animations.

Established brands like Coca Cola, Pepsi, DHL and Emirates can even simplify their logos or make them even fancier. However, Coca Cola prefers staying original in its own sense whereas Pepsi has modified its logo, again.

Can startups do the same? Well, the answer is No and there are valid reasons for such. Some startups however have been able to do well with simplified yet elaborate logos because their owners were renowned businesspersons working in the market for a considerable period of time. But in most cases, it is beneficial for startups to create comprehensive logos that help them get introduced in the market properly. Logo design these days isn’t as simple as it once used to be. Artificial intelligence is now aiding many globally to create extensive and creative logos that are not only eye catching but are also really good, creative and aesthetically pleasing. Artificial Intelligence based logo design is basically artificial intelligence doing the logo work for you. That’s right: it’s more of an online logo making company that quickly designs and creates the logo(s) you need.

What should you do if you need a logo for your startup? In this time of artificial intelligence ruling and running supreme, it would be best for you to find the best Online Logo Maker for Startups and get the logo you need. Should you also keep some other things in mind when getting your logo designed? Yes you should by all means. What are they?

The following are some dos and don’ts which you need to follow when designing your company’s logo from an online logo design firm.

Rule 1 – Keep It Simple

Dos of keeping it simple:

In the market, most of the best and iconic logos are quite modest, upfront and clear to understand. What should your logo do? It should embody your business’s philosophy and idea without the use of words. Simply put: It should be able to tell who you are and what you do. These logos can easily withstand the test of time so hence, let your logo do most of the business talking.

Don’ts of keeping it simple:

Adding too much detail in the logo will certainly blur out the message you wish to give out. Meaning if you add a lot of words in the logo then it won’t be a logo but rather a short description. Too much words will actually destroy the logo and probably even keep you out of business. Remember, it isn’t a pitch but rather a logo.

Rule 2 – Uniqueness

Dos of Uniqueness:

Your logo should definitely stand out and be unique among the masses. Its first impression is long lasting and helps a logo’s uniqueness stand out for long which will help it be remembered for long. It also helps it gain significance. Successful examples in front of you are those of Captain America, Iron Man, Batman, Superman, Chevrolet, Ford, Sony, AT&T, Virgin records and many others.


Don’ts of Uniqueness:

There is one main problem in uniqueness and that is: Shackling your logo to a fad, trend or movement. That’s right; limiting your logo to the aforementioned 3 things will kill it, make it obsolete and probably make your business look and be nonoperational as well. Does it mean we have to change logo design with the passage of time? Well, you may have to but somehow don’t tie it down to any fad or trend in order to keep it alive.

Rule 3 – Use Color

Dos of using color:

You possibly aren’t thinking of removing colors out of your logo aren’t you? Well, you definitely should not do that. Colors are vital to your logo standing out!

That’s right: Colors make your logo stand out and make it alive as well. Combining different hues and shades of color is truly a great work of art and a unique skill as well. Different color schemes also help stoke different kinds of emotions hence do research the meaning of the colors you intend to use. Don’t feel shy or embarrassed in asking for assistance, aid and possibly suggestions from artists or professional designers for your logo. If you are starting a tech firm then you should definitely go for blue but if you are providing products like jackhammers, drill machines and other hardware then yellow will definitely suit your business’s logo.

Since a logo is the primary face of your business, constructive feedback in logo design will definitely help your business and it’s up to you to make it right the very first time you are coming up with a logo. Don’t forget to add color at the end of your logo’s design.

Don’ts of using color:

Don’t add too many colors to your logo because it would make it unclear and unappealing. Only a few businesses were able to do it well like NBC (as it has multiple colors in its logo) but the probability of your business doing it like NBC is like 0 to 100. If the color of your logo does not convey the business’s meaning to your target audience then it will probably render it meaningless.

Use Color

Rule 4 – Keep It Versatile

Dos of keeping it versatile:

You obviously want your business to be visible and be seen in every possible medium available. Your logo should be usable in an array of platforms because whenever you need to post or print it, it would be much easier and quicker to do so because the versatility of the logo will help it reach out to a wider audience. To check the logo’s versatility, print it out first in black and white and if it stands that way then your logo design is being done right.

Don’ts of keeping it versatile:

Do not stick to one version of your design as you will face problems sharing it with others which can also limit your business’s exposure. An assortment of formats of your logo should be available at all times. A reliable online logo maker for startups should definitely help.

Rule 5 – Using The Needed Typography

Dos of typography:

Select a typeface that is easily readable and can apply a maximum of two fonts in the logo. Why? Because it prevents your target audience from getting confused. Once the prototype design is complete, save it in vector format so it can be resized easily whenever it needs to be and it also prevents pixilation. Don’t forget to use a tailored font.

A classic but great example of such is the Coca Cola logo.

Using The Needed Typography

Don’ts of typography:

Do not overuse fonts as it will obviously blot out the purpose of your logo. Comic Sans and Papyrus are out of fashion and also not recommended for use in logos. Also, do not use shadows else they will ruin the visual.

Rule 6 – Be With Your Target Audience

Dos of targeting:

When you are theorizing your logo, you should deploy the psychology of color, shape and typeface to ensure that you connect well to your target audience. A dearth of scientific data and studies are available and you can always refer to them. Remember, it pays well to know more about the designs your intended audience will understand and love.

Don’ts of targeting:

Do not impose your branding as full and final on your target audience. You must always take their feedback, comments and suggestions because they tell you the truth and their honest opinion. Hence, do not ignore them at any cost.

Rule 7 – Be Inspired

Dos ofbeing inspired:

You don’t always have to use your computer, tablet or laptop for creating your logo. You can always take inspiration from any kind of source you want to, even from the most unconventional of all sources. Even in this age, you can use a pencil, markers, color pencils, crayons and a notebook to create your desired logo. Moodboards are also good because they help you combine your brand values as well as that of your audience and helping be mindful of your competitor. Your concept matters a lot and take heed of your thoughts. Seek the golden ration and sketch it out. Keep thinking and keep on innovating your design. Also, keep the symmetry & proportion consistent and don’t forget to carve out more ideas for your logo.

Don’ts of being inspired:

Do not copy from other designs. Repeat, do not copy from other designs and do not use clipart or other downloadable designs from the internet. In short, do not act like a copycat and avoid plagiarism at all costs. Quick fixing logos are devastating and have bad implications. Taking the long road of conceptualizing is better than a shortcut. Do not add photographs in your logo as Photoshop is for images and not for logo design. Avoid bitmap images as well.

Rule 8 – Be Consistent

Dos of being consistent:

When you have decided and designed on a logo, stick to it and don’t change it. Visual consistency is key for any logo being successful as it starts brand recognition easily because when people see the logo’s color, shape or typeface & if they can relate it to your brand then it means you have achieved consistency.

A successful example of such is Apple Inc.

Be Consistent

Don’ts of being consistent:

Do not change your logo often as it will confuse your audience and your customers. If you keep changing your logo then your company will neither be recognizable nor will it be remembered among the people.

Rule 9 – Mind the Space

Dos of minding the space:

To take advantage of spacing, use it to incorporate meaning in the logo as it can be either a bonus or a blight. In case you don’t understand, the logo of ‘FedEx’ is a good example of such because the space in its logo indicates its philosophy of moving forward.

Mind the Space

Don’ts of minding the space:

Do not use space in your logo without any meaning. It would be best to add an imaginable thought into it to make the logo more appealing. Else, it’s best not to add space in the logo.

Rule 10 – Know Your Design

Dos of knowing your design:

You must know your design by heart because since you thought of it, you designed it. You know where you got the inspiration for it from. A successful logo is one which can explain the meaning of it to your customers and employees.

Don’ts of knowing your design:

Do not study your design and do not be detached from your logo. Since it represents your company, you should know it thoroughly.

Know Your Design

Rule 11 – Use Simple Lines And Bold Shapes

Dos of using simple lines and bold shapes:

Using them will make your logo design recognizable and orderly which in turn makes it distinguishable from distance and even on a smaller scale too.

Don’ts of avoiding simple lines and bold shapes:

Do not use sunbursts and swirls as they will make your logo look unappealing and the design being perceived as ill-conceived. Avoid using pre-made logos as they will backfire. You also have to pay for the copyright of your logo so no one is able to copy it.

Rule 12 – Applying Motion To Your Logo

Dos of making a moving version of your logo:

A designed logo simply isn’t enough because your static designs should have animated versions to be used digitally. A moving version of your logo should be designed as well because animation helps bring it to life. That animation should be used in a way that it pleases your target audience.

Don’ts of not applying moving version of your logo:

It would be better if you do not stick to a passive design. A passive design is acceptable in itself if the logo is well constructed and used when needed. A successful example of such is Apple.


Nonetheless, leading your design forward with the aim of making it available to everyone is the goal. Your logo is your trademark, the face of your business and the key to identifying it. The aforementioned steps will be helpful to you whenever you are designing a logo for your startup business. In case you get confused, a reliable online logo maker for startups is the best solution to your logo designing needs.

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