Tag Archives: article

From an Idea to a Complete Article: The Story of a Successful Post

From an Idea to a Complete Article: The Story of a Successful Post

The Internet provides us the great advantage of accessing huge databases of valuable information with minimal efforts. Tons of written paper could go on a few DVDs, this being another capital vantage of the Internet. It is true that reading poems without the warm touch of a page it is...

A Complete Strategy to Write Valuable Content

A Complete Strategy to Write Valuable Content

Every online presence has as a main purpose to be visited by an increased number of visitors or clients. The most important traffic source is represented by the search engines; there is a huge difference, in terms of potential surfers, between a position on the first page and a position...

Monetisation or Trust- What Should You Do With Your Blog?

Monetisation or Trust- What Should You Do With Your Blog?

When we start up a blog or website there’s a specific reason why we do so. Most of us start up a blog for economic reasons: We want to generate revenue. Whether we do this revenue generation through advertising, selling products or selling services it rarely matters. What does matter...