Category: Web Design

10 Bad Web Design Habits You Should Avoid

10 Bad Web Design Habits You Should Avoid

What design features turn a good website bad? There are more potential pitfalls out there than you might think. Even design elements that may “look nice” to the untrained eye can have unexpected consequences, so acquainting yourself with these hidden landmines is an important step in the process of crafting...

The Latest Trends in Web Design

The Latest Trends in Web Design

Predicting the evolution of web design is like trying to milk a male goat. Despite ever-changing design trends and techniques, purists and idealists maintain that the principles of great design are timeless. This is true to an extent, but the recent rapid and consistent development of the Internet across many...

Understanding the Theory of Minimalism in Web Design

Understanding the Theory of Minimalism in Web Design

Minimalism is the stripping down of a work of art, whether a design or a photograph, to its bare essentials in order to affect the viewer somehow. An image or photograph is made up of a combination of elements: light, shadow, shape, color, space and so on. When one or...

Things to Remember Before Launching a Website

Things to Remember Before Launching a Website

Effective web-browsing experiences are absolutely necessary in this climate of competitive business and advancing technology. Finding a niche, making a good first impression and staying fresh are among the website owner’s goals. Maybe you’ve got a great concept, selected the perfect designer, brainstormed about design ideas, made decisions and worked...

Why Designers Should Learn How to Code

Why Designers Should Learn How to Code

There’s a never-ending debate about whether web designers should be able to code. Web designers who can’t code their own designs still exist. When the web first took off, the designation “web designer” was limited in scope. Technological developments led to an ever-growing demand for web designers, and now the...

The Dilemma of Choosing the Perfect CMS

The Dilemma of Choosing the Perfect CMS

These days, we’re all trying to build websites quickly and easily, and developers are turning to open-source content management systems (CMS) to help them get the job done. Multiple content management systems are floating around the web, and finding the right one has become extremely challenging. Without a clearly defined...

Tips for Creating an Effective Online Design Portfolio

Tips for Creating an Effective Online Design Portfolio

An online portfolio should present your image and capabilities flawlessly. Strategic planning and preparation will ensure a professional presentation. Creative designers need a place to showcase their work online. You could use an online portfolio service—many websites offer free and professional layouts—or you could make your own, with a personal...

Important Factors of Minimal Web Design

Important Factors of Minimal Web Design

‘Less is More’, an aphorism coined by the German – American architect for Coining suits the term ‘Minimalism’ in an apt way. In today’s world where everything is growing in a fast paced manner, we have to compromise somewhere to catch up with the speed, like a skyscraper cannot be...

60+ Fresh and Inspirational WordPress Site Designs

60+ Fresh and Inspirational WordPress Site Designs

Many of you should know that instantShift is proudly powered by WordPress, as a Blogging and CMS tool. If you are in search of good CMS or a web tool for your projects, we strongly recommend WordPress to you. WordPress is a great tool, and best thing is FREE! Now...

Website Reconstruction: When it’s Time to Rebuild the Drowning Ship

Website Reconstruction: When it’s Time to Rebuild the Drowning Ship

The world is changing every day presenting us new and fresh ideas, approaches and tools to use. There are a lot of great features that found their places on the modern websites. Have you implemented them on your website already? Or you don’t need any of those? You like your...

Why Typography is the Soul of Web Design?

Why Typography is the Soul of Web Design?

Typography is integral to web design. The various uses of text on the web, from large headlines and bold blocks to small body, indicate the importance of typography; it is a combination of art and science. Type is everywhere, doing everything; all websites rely on text and font to convey...

Why Inspiration Playing a Critical Role in Web Design

Why Inspiration Playing a Critical Role in Web Design

Inspiration, or simply said, an attraction towards something, is a natural way to respond to things towards which we are attracted to or which gives a new perspective or dimension towards an idea which we have never explored. Inspiration gives us fresh ideas, new ways to explore something when we...

Factors Influencing Your Overall Website Design

Factors Influencing Your Overall Website Design

When most people check out a new website, they sometimes think “yikes, this website looks like total crap” or “wow, this is one of the best website designs I’ve ever seen!” What is it that makes the great websites look so great? In my experience, Website designing is not a...

Coding a Design: SEO Best Practices and Mistakes to Avoid

Coding a Design: SEO Best Practices and Mistakes to Avoid

For any online business, website has become the foremost important asset. It is really indispensable that it should be designed and developed in a way that it facilitates and boost the business activities and ultimately become the revenue generating medium for the business. For this, it is quite important that...

How to Spot Quality When Choosing a Font for your Design Work

How to Spot Quality When Choosing a Font for your Design Work

We live in amazing times if you’re a typeface addict like I am. My current collection reaches into the five figures, and yet I still venture out on the web to look a new “fix” a couple of times a month. There are many sites that feature new typefaces for...