Tag Archives: quality

Stop Launching Blogs – It’s About Quality Not Quantity

Stop Launching Blogs – It’s About Quality Not Quantity

Nowadays, for each web designer or developer is awful not to have a good connection to the Internet; much more I believe that there are few days in their life when they do not read a post or see an inspirational article from various blogs. Blogs represent an inestimable resource...

How to Spot Quality When Choosing a Font for your Design Work

How to Spot Quality When Choosing a Font for your Design Work

We live in amazing times if you’re a typeface addict like I am. My current collection reaches into the five figures, and yet I still venture out on the web to look a new “fix” a couple of times a month. There are many sites that feature new typefaces for...

14 Traits of Successful Blogs

14 Traits of Successful Blogs

Millions of people start a blog every year. Conversely, many blogs die every year from lack of updates, lack of interest, not having original content, copying/stealing of content from fellow bloggers or copyright violation etc. Those that stand above the others stand far above the others. Have you ever visited...