Tag Archives: color theory

Color-Bombing Your Website into Conversions

Color-Bombing Your Website into Conversions

It is all a game of colors! Be it an extravagant outfit or a combination for your website, if the colors you chose do not mesh well; consider it a complete waste of time. In general, humans make decisions based on their instincts. Hypothalamus, which tends to be the moment,...

The Novice Web Designers Guide to Colors

The Novice Web Designers Guide to Colors

How we perceive everything around us is heavily influenced by color so it does not come as a surprise than using the right color palette for your website is both important and an intricate part of the design of a website. The way we notice colors is characterized by a...

The Psychology Of Color In Design

The Psychology Of Color In Design

Have you ever wondered why you seem to be getting hungrier while waiting to place your order at a fast food place or why you eat faster than any human should ingest that poison? Have you ever heard of a “power tie” in business? There are things that excite the...

Why Colors Can Make or Break Your Design

Why Colors Can Make or Break Your Design

Color will be one of the first things anyone notices when visiting your site and it will be a large part of the initial impressions people form about you, your website, and your business. Color sets a mood and creates an emotional response in your audience. Set the wrong mood...