Focal Points In Design Layout

Why are magazines and books always laid out the same? Even with alternative design, there is a harmony in layout or the reader’s head will explode… or they will just stop reading and skip to the next page. Successful design in publishing, advertising, web design, illustration and anything else that ties together elements depends on drawing in the reader and leading their eyes across the page.

Focal Points In Design Layout

Some people think it’s not a big deal and that designing a page comes naturally because of cultural lessons we learn growing up and looking at design from childhood yet few, if any understand why it works the way it does. In most societies, we read left to right (we’ll cover the right to left and top to bottom societies later). Still sound simple? Just start on the left and it will all fall into place? Basically but the challenge is to make the reader look at elements in the right order or at least the order you want them to see.


InstantShift’s Website Redesign

Something has changed! Are you with us? Something has definitely changed here. As our reader strength grows day by day, we have also needed to make certain changes for both our needs and those of our readers. So starting today, we’re rolling out a brand new version of instantShift (iShift) design that makes it easier than ever to enjoy new and interesting developments from across the design community.

InstantShift’s Website Redesign

It's been months since we started working on our new site design, and today it's finally here. InstantShift has had the same theme for three years, so now is a good time to give it a little shift. There was nothing wrong with our old design, but after receiving many requests from our readers and looking to meet the need of a more user-friendly environment while boosting our visibility, we sought to create a more accessible and more minimal version of iShift.


InstantShift Family Wishes you a Very Happy New Year!

We are already into new year and on behalf of iShift's team, we'd like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during 2011.

InstantShift Family Wishes you a Very Happy New Year!

2012 came up with many promises and future possibilities. To give you a quick sneak peak, we are working on something big about which we going to make an official announcement in couple of days. Till then finalize you new year's resolution and don't stop celebrating.


The Importance of Link Building

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to your website to promote popularity and other benefits throughout the online world. Link building is one of the core tasks of SEO. It not only helps promote popularity among users, but also contributes to the website’s ranking in search engines. Therefore, you need to work on link building in order to reap the benefits both from users and the search engine point of view.

The Importance of Link Building

The importance of link building is evident in the following example: "When A says that A is good, not everyone will believe it, but when one hundred other people say that A is good, it definitely adds value." You know that your site has quality content, but if you are the only one who says so, it will not add as much value as when many other sites say the same.


Who Are You Trying To Impress?

As a young creative, I had dreams of being famous. I wanted to be admired, loved and I suppose part of that was also for revenge on my more obnoxious classmates. Is that shocking? Ask yourself if you were any different? Ask yourself if you still feel that way. You do and it means you’re human.

Who Are You Trying To Impress?

I spent a good deal of my time and efforts grasping for notoriety. I volunteered for organizations, hoping to elevate myself in the eyes of peers. I networked for my own public relations, which is not a bad business move if done for the right reasons. My reasons were not purely for gaining business.


30+ Inspirational Designs of the Year

As we move into the New Year, it is a important to review what happened in the design community in 2011. However, unlike usual surveys, I will do so by reviewing the notable designs of the year. Although it's impossible to review all the designs from 2012—I don’t claim to do so either—I’ve tried to select the best from deeply reviewed designs (approximately 2,000 designs) by considering different factors, include beauty, functionality, usability, and so forth. As these selected websites are from different categories and types, this survey could be regarded as a comprehensive overview.

30+ Inspirational Designs of the Year

I hope this provides you with a beneficial collection that inspires you to design new websites while revealing trends and designers' tendencies in recent months. Finally, don’t fort to share with us designs that you think are inspirational for others and should be included on this list.