Author: Speider Schneider

Focal Points In Design Layout

Focal Points In Design Layout

Why are magazines and books always laid out the same? Even with alternative design, there is a harmony in layout or the reader’s head will explode… or they will just stop reading and skip to the next page. Successful design in publishing, advertising, web design, illustration and anything else that...

Who Are You Trying To Impress?

Who Are You Trying To Impress?

As a young creative, I had dreams of being famous. I wanted to be admired, loved and I suppose part of that was also for revenge on my more obnoxious classmates. Is that shocking? Ask yourself if you were any different? Ask yourself if you still feel that way. You...

Uncharitable Charitable Design

Uncharitable Charitable Design

Like many people, I always say, “Never work for free.” Like many people, I break that rule when it comes to a good cause or meeting women. So far, I’ve only been screwed… by the good causes, that is. This winter, I spent three days working for a nationwide charitable...

Innovation And Other Great Ideas – PART 2

Innovation And Other Great Ideas – PART 2

It’s a sad but interesting fact that war creates the greatest amount of innovation over a short period of time. It seems we are very bold about creating ways to effectively kill each other brutally then we are about improving the quality of life. This does, however, point to need...

Innovation And Other Great Ideas – PART 1

Innovation And Other Great Ideas – PART 1

Have you ever been sitting, watching TV and a show or ad comes on and you say, “I had that idea a long time ago!” and then feel like you’re a failure? Some people say there are no new ideas, that everything has been done and some say they have...

Power Over Others: It’s Not What You Think

Power Over Others: It’s Not What You Think

When I started my career, oddly enough as an illustrator, I asked a famous artists why there were so many nasty peers in the business and why professionals of his level were so friendly and helpful. He smiled and said, “there’s all the room at the top and precious little...

Office Bullying: Designers Are The Biggest Targets

Office Bullying: Designers Are The Biggest Targets

As in the schoolyard, some children just do not play well with others. Some children are liars and some are tattle-tales. Some children just make up for having small penises with office power plays. That goes for some women I know, too! Human resources or employee relations in any firm,...

Working With Recruiters: The Hard Truth

Working With Recruiters: The Hard Truth

After my last article on working with recruiters, there was some heated debate… name calling, threats… whatever you might call it, but the fact is, it was eye-opening and brought up some hard facts that need to be followed when working with a recruiter. The gist of the article was...

Favor Done, Now Where’s MY Good Karma!?

Favor Done, Now Where’s MY Good Karma!?

We hear it all the time from clients or those who want to be clients; “do me a favor and…” It always ends up with creatives being asked to work for free or give up something we would rather not give up. It makes us feel low, worthless and frustrated...

Bait and Switch Job Seeking

Bait and Switch Job Seeking

Certainly there are many of us out there seeking jobs. Either we were laid off or just can’t stand our employers and their weird take on employee’s rights or practice of the Peter Principle and the promotion of serial incompetents and mental patients. In job searches for those who aim...

Don’t Do TOO Good Of A Job!

Don’t Do TOO Good Of A Job!

Maybe this is happened to you. You’ve really nailed a project. You skip out of the client’s with a big smile because you’ve done the best work you have ever done. Months down the line, you haven’t heard a thing from the client and your emails are either not returned...

Professional Practices They Don’t Teach You In Art School: Contracts – It’s Business!

Professional Practices They Don’t Teach You In Art School: Contracts – It’s Business!

Yes, everyone says GET IT IN WRITING! Still most people are afraid to ask a client for a contract. Don’t be ashamed of yourself for not doing it – most freelancers don’t. There are many reasons behind this problem. You don’t know what to include in a contract. You’re afraid...

Professional Practices They Don’t Teach You In Art School: Networking – Why It IS Who You Know!

Professional Practices They Don’t Teach You In Art School: Networking – Why It IS Who You Know!

I fully admit to the utter truth in the saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know that counts.” Well, mostly. Before you slash your wrists because you think you don’t know enough people to find work, let me assure you it’s never too late to start what...

Professional Practices They Don’t Teach You In Art School: Portfolio – What Do You Really Need In It?

Professional Practices They Don’t Teach You In Art School: Portfolio – What Do You Really Need In It?

I’ve traveled to many art schools, being asked to review senior student portfolios and speak on professional practices in the design business and the one thing I always notice is the lack of direction in student portfolios. Even with professionals, there is often no idea what or even how to...