10 Ways Your Website Is Driving Customers Away

The website, this is one of the words that we all do know about in contemporary times. It is a medium for communication and business operations in the time of digitalization.

Have you ever seen a shiny website? Everything is perfect according to you but the visitors seem to leave in droves? The bounce rate of your website could be high and you are wondering where the problem is? If that is the case then here we have something for you.

Websites are not only about a single element but its considerations are based on multiple elements of design and functionality and the perfect match of both could make your website able to make the viewers stay. But the important thing to make your website work is to identify the elements that could make the customers go away and here we have come up with 10 ways that your website could drive the customers away.

Ways Your Website Is Driving Customers Away

1. Unattractive Design

First things first, what customers or viewers unintentionally notice on the website in the first go is its design. The design is ought to be the element of attraction and to make anyone stay on the website you need to attract them and thus the design must be an appealing one. The question here you might have in the mind is how an appealing design could be made? Well, to this complex question the answer is quite simple, Get a professional on board. There are people who have expertise in designing and they are able to make the progressions on logo design as well as designing the website. They exactly know how the color could be made attractive and how it could resemble the brand as well. Killing unattractive design kills 50 percent chances of viewers switching the website in the first minute. Also, it could be stated here that the design of the website is a resemblance to the brand or organization and thus we have to contemplate on making the web design to be similar as the logo design or the branding colors. This on the website will give the viewer a chance to connect to the brand which eventually is a factor for making the visitor stay for long.

2. Outdated Content Strategy

The next most important thing or element on the website is the content that it has got. Okay, let’s face a question, Will you ever visit a website that does not use fresh content or is working on the content strategies that are outdated? Your answer was No and this is what others think too. No matter how good your offerings are or how good you design it if the content is not updated it will probably have no value on the visitors. Visitors always seek something intriguing and captivating and that is what will make them stay. Attractive headers, Amazing punch lines, and some astonishing catchphrases could work well here. These things will work effectively to make someone stay on the website for long.

3. Is not friendly for mobile

How often do we access something through a mobile rather than a computer? Well, too often people do not make contemplations on getting to a computer but they want everything easy and that is when they contemplate on opening everything on their mobile phones. This becomes another point to be considered while making any website. Thus, now whenever you design a website make sure you make it compatible for mobile as well as computers. Being mobile-friendly gives your website visits a boost for sure and this will then make your business to be developed.

4. You are making visitors wait for too long

Waiting for something is frustrating and when there is a lot of competition in something then waiting for sure could be the killer of interest. In contemporary times, people want everything to be instant and this urge for instant gratification could be important when they are visiting a website. Websites that make customers wait to lose them too often. Will you wait 5 minutes on a website for a page to open? For sure you won’t and this is how your website might lose its visitors. Eventually, every website needs to make progressions on being more responsive and reducing the load time. However, at points, there is a need to have a bit of load time in these specific cases the website must have loaders that are some unique and attractive ideas. This will keep the interest of the visitor to be high and they won’t switch to any other website in the loading time.

5. Pop-ups

Urghhhhh! If I could eliminate one thing from the websites it would be pop-ups for sure. They are frustrating, irritating and annoying. On the contrary, pop-ups are a technique of marketing or getting attention but to a visitor of the website, they are nothing less than an element of frustration. If your website has too many pop-ups it will make the visitor go away out of irritation and this way the website might fail to make a visitor stay which is not what any of the websites would like to see. Faster reactions are the ultimate tool to make someone stay on the website.

6. It is noisy

Automated audios or videos are also as frustrating as pop-ups. Imagine you click on a website and wanted audio or video begins with a blasted sound or obnoxious music track. How will react to it? Most of the people in reaction to this close the website and probably decide that they would never come back to this website. The visitors who click the close button after hearing to this kind of audio or video do it in 5-15 seconds on getting to this website which means that this is one of the things that stop them from even viewing your website and thus you should get rid of this at all costs. This is like an element that kills the visitor’s mind and makes him or her to hate your website for absolutely a reason that is irritating. If I would have to get compare pop-ups and unwanted audios or videos about what is more frustrating I would for sure go with these audios and videos.

7. People can’t discover you on the web

Perhaps you are not bombing but rather, individuals are confronting challenges in finding your site. The inquiry deceivability or in simpler words the search visibility of your site may be low and you would not be recorded in the web indexes. This could make your site to have lesser guests. With reference to this what you can do is that you can design an SEO procedure which builds your positioning and makes recommendations about a review or visiting your site. Website design enhancement ought to be based on RAP system which is relevance, accessibility, and prominence. These three ought to be kept as the need while making the SEO Strategy. This will increase your visitors and then you can make them stay on your website with some unique and innovative content, amazing graphical elements and possibly with some astringing responsiveness.

8. Navigation is poor

In the era of digitalization, the span of attention is quite short which is why the problems of the website have been increased. Along with the load time, it could really be stressful and irritating is navigation. Navigation could be impacted through unorganized content, complex architecture of the design and unwanted pages on the website. Easy to navigate is what all the visitors ask for. Intuitive and easy to understand websites make people stay longer and visit more pages which is also eventually advantageous for the brand or the business. The experience of the visitor could be enhanced with making them able to give them things that they actually want to see and that too in quick time.

9. It is broken

Broken here means a loophole and it could make the impression of the website to be devastating. What comes in the list of broken features are under construction pages, bugs on the website and unwanted specifications in terms of functionality or design. These broken features give visitors an idea that either your website is not being updated, either it is under construction or it is not given enough attention in response to which the visitors often try not to visit it again which results in making the traffic of your website to be reduced. On the contrary, there is a hundred percent chance that you are preparing on to something which has made the page to go under construction but this could be made more creative. Like the other day, I was going through a website and an under construction of a website had a game related to the brand which I think was one heck of an idea to get this loophole to be sorted.

10. Low-quality graphical images

Nothing in the world catches more attention than the visual aids. Visual aids are great of getting the attention of any individual or expressing something within just a picture and this has a lot to do with a website. How intriguing it would be to see an image that just blows your mind off lets you know about what you are going to know. Against all the odds it has been said that images could convey messages more appropriately then the content but only if they are interesting enough. This means that low quality or out of context images on your website could make people have a bad or complex perception about your website which will then result in reducing the traffic or your website. To make this ambiguity to be eradicated you can use some quality and contextual yet amazing and astonishing images to grab the attention and make the visitors stay for a longer period on your website.


All in all what we can say here is that a website is not about a just giving it the best URL or amazing content but it is a blend of elements like web design, user-friendly interface, responsive pages, interesting loaders, and such others. Now you know that what makes your website perfect is the blend of all these things and missing out on any single thing could cost you to lose your website traffic. One thing that could be the most important adds the value into your website or call it a hack to get an amazing response it would be that while making the website think as if you are a visitor and what you would like to see on a website. When you will be able to make the contemplations on the same it will not only make you get the visitors on the website but it will make them stay on that for long converting them into buyers and customers.

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  1. Very well explained about website structure to get more audience to our website

  2. Informative blog about website traffic and traffic flow. thanks for sharing.

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