Ultimate Guide For Writing Web Design RFP (Request For Proposal)

Sometimes what matters is not the question asked; it is more about how you are asking a specific question in the first place. When you step in a world of web designing you must choose your words carefully.

Anything you say can always be taken in several different ways. For starters, to avoid giving out a rather odd meaning the emphasis must be on your choice of words.

The measurement of success can be weighed out based on what you feel owns more value. A massive amount of success is always measured before the project is initiated, and even before the contracts have even been signed. While creating a website, as important as the designing and development section is, you have the pre-planning and vendor selection as an equal.

Elaborate RFP, Please.

In the simplest words possible, RFP stands for “Request for Proposal”. In general, this term is used to make a request for a detailed proposal of one or more projects for various vendors. More importantly, it is considered as a solid opportunity to help yourself by providing a firm with a list of needs, goals, demands, and how they can possibly be of your assistance.

Bottom-line is, it helps describes the change you wish to see in your website and how do you visualize the changes to help yourself and your viewers.

Elements to Styling a RFP

An RFP (Request for Proposal), is considered as a pretty standard operating procedure to acquire a list of potential clients capable of getting a certain task you intend to assign done in a set budget limit in a certain time window available to them. This is followed up by a simple question-and-answer period before it is final which client gets to be a part of the action; includes more detail as to what they are signing up for.

Below is a list that includes a few items you might want to consider whilst the construction of your proposal. It is not at all necessary for them to be followed in this same order, or even necessary to check them all off the list, although a consideration will provide you with the best of the best results.

  • 1. A Brief Introduction Sounds Good, No?: Don’t be shy to introduce your company to the whole idea of RFP. Make it to the point, state not only what you want but also why is it that you are asking them to perform this task. In addition, try mentioning your problems like; if you wish to get your website redesigned then what is it that is making the current one seem like a drag.

  • 2. Backstory’s are much required: Go through the description of what services/products your company provides. Emphasize on what makes you unique and how you wish to revamp your website or whatever it is you intend to alter or add.

    It is important to describe your values as it helps to boost you to find an organization that adds value to fit in both your goals and processes. Not necessarily the firm you opt for specializes in that particular area of web design, but if you manage to score a spot in to one of their niches they might consider making some recommendations.

  • 3. Goals in Mind and Your Audience Aligned: This is super easy, as all it requires is a backstory of what you intend to accomplish, what are the factors you wish to emphasize on, and most importantly what will help strike a note of success in your eyes? Also, try to put in some details on the sort of market or age group you have in mind as your audience, as this will help the company a lot in creating something similar or an exact copy of what you want. If these questions have been answered in your proposal, then you have nothing to worry about.

    The significance of this particular description is a guide based on how you articulate what you desire to achieve out of this process and bring you a step closer to it.

  • 4. Keeping the Support On A Roll: After you get what you wanted does not mean you just forget the company you were in constant contact with all this time while you needed their help. Once your website has launched, a typical move is to keep your vendor engaged in some sort of ongoing agreement for support, training and ongoing development or simply all three mentioned. You must think practically and be a little more realistic. The launch of your website is only the beginning of the process, what you need to focus on is how exactly you plan to direct a sufficient amount of traffic to your new website.

    It all depends on your plans regarding your launch; as if you need to advertise and market your project launch then you might want to look in to firms that tend to provide full-services, not only design and construct the site but also work with you to help maximize the value of it afterwards.

  • 5. Determine A Budget: This should be rather simple compared to the other tasks. There must be a fixed budget that you have set in mind for all the tasks you want completed, alongside a specific amount of additional cash just in case you feel you need to add a few features or make some changes during the edit.

  • 6. Hmm, What Are My Rivals Up to?: Do not take this step in the wrong way; this definitely is not a step that should be taken by the weak-hearted. Generally, this is not so that you can notice ideas you can copy, but more like you should know what you are up against and what might your viewers compare you to. If comparable, what makes both sites come off as something similar and how can you make your website stand out to be noticed as an eye catcher.

  • 7. Time for A Check-Up on My Website Users: Keeping a check and balance equation going on here is more than necessary. However, that definitely does not mean that if you are not receiving any complaints about the website then your viewers are satisfied. In this case, you should consider something like a survey every now and then to look in to what people have to say. After you hear them out, focus on actually acting upon whatever they have said and make their experience better.

Solutions Are Not As Important As Your Goals Being Defined

The benefit of keeping a list of goals acts as a demonstration of their competence and decision-making process, both of which play a huge role in the selection of a firm. Think of it this way; you are trying to contact companies for their expertise in terms of web designing and digital marketing, which ultimately directs you to the question of why would they need to know how you think everything should look and function. Clearly the firm you choose should be experts in the field and never require your guidance, they should be guiding you.

Not Everything Has to Be a Word-for-Word Comparison

So you have many offers from various companies, good job! Just because you have many options to choose from, does not give you the pass to suggest the respondents to squeeze everything into a tight controlling format to make comparisons of all sorts. The major problem with that method is how it tends to blur out the true strengths and weaknesses of the company you are in conversation with.

Give in More Context Than You Would Normally

In general, anyone who provides with more backstory tends to get more work done out of it efficiently. For example, you want a massive boost in your search ranking. In this particular case, you would start by giving them an idea of what the current status of your search ranking is, how do you rank now? Or, who are your primary competitors and how do you think you can make your way out of it?

Similarly, you proposed a launching date and you need everything done prior to that specific date. Try mentioning the importance of the date as to why you consider you are not willing to extend the deadline? Do you have an event planned that you intend to hold after the launch is successful? Or have you marked it in your books as an arbitrary internal deadline that you feel like you must stick to?

Let’s Consider the Three “Be’s”

To simplify this in the easiest and snappiest way possible, go through the list of the three Be’s I have here for you:

  • Be Realistic: Rushing in to things will not get you to your final destination any time soon; I can guarantee that to you. This only creates a limitation in the amount of time and attention the firm could possibly consider paying to you, which as a result means you are simply hurting yourself. You must have everything planned out properly.

    It is highly important to keep everything said in the most respectful manner, so for that matter you should list a budget and research a little on keeping realistic budgets before you set a firm limit as it could easily backfire. This makes it easier for companies to do the math if whether they fit the description for your project, and vice-versa, before they carry forward in the investigation.

  • Be Open: If you would rather prefer everyone’s opinions over your proposal format and list of solutions, you might be missing out on some seriously amazing solutions.

    Every company proves to be the best by choosing between giving you the answer by using the words you want to hear and providing the best solutions according to your company and audience you are targeting.

    The reason why you suggested contacting an external company to whatever you need done for you because your team members are not experts in web design. As they are strangers to how you have chosen to run your system you should be happy when they challenge the task you have assigned with new creative pointers and ask questions difficult for you to find answers for! Any good company will be up-to-date on the hottest trends in the market to bring to the table for you; some you are not even aware of as yet.

  • Be Respectful: This, this is it. If you are not respectful of the company you are contacting, then do not keep any high expectations regarding an email of a positive response for you any time, or any response at all for that matter. You must keep in mind where you have many options of companies to choose from, they also, no doubt have many clients to opt from. If you bound them in to many ways by adding a list of overburdening restrictions and give a hint that you are not valuing their time, they probably will never respond to your request.

See, now it does not seem as complicated as you thought it was.

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One Comment

  1. Hi, Asad!
    Thank’s for the interesting information!
    RFP has a huge impact on the website user experience, especially for Ecommerce business. That’s why it’s so important to implement it in the best way for customers.

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