WordPress for Marketing? It’s Not Just for Bloggers Anymore!

If you are a blogger or just enjoy setting up a site that offers the perfect framework for writing and photos – WordPress can’t be beat.

The multiple page set-up, and drag-and-drop method, that allows for linking to social media sites and other websites is the perfect service for individuals and companies involved with ecommerce.

Unlike other formats, WordPress allows for a friendlier and less direct selling experience. Customers can enjoy the “relaxed” setting and take some time to browse products, read reviews and bookmark areas of interest. If we could compare this to another commercial website, it would be like having your company’s personalized Amazon! On WordPress, it is all about you and your business. Give content management systems a try – you may find that this is EXACTLY what your business needs.

Unlike a personal website, WordPress does not allow for advertisements or sponsorship. All users of this site ARE allowed to advertise, sell and link to websites that carry their OWN products. This is great. Very few businesses or entrepreneurs sell others’ products! Many businesses are now realizing the conversational format of WordPress as an opportunity not to be passed over. This is a great asset if the business offers services, host writers and product or service-based copy that clients and Internet traffic visitors can visit and enjoy.

There are several web based services, ecommerce sites, review sites and even coupon/voucher sites that are running on WordPress. For example, Voucherbin is an online voucher codes search engine serving users from the UK – built with an array of technologies including WordPress. Voucherbin offers discount vouchers and deals that help the informed online user to save more. It also features an extensive blog that highlights trends and tips that you are bound to find useful in your day to day life. So essentially, they appear to be using WordPress for their blog and probably other areas of their site as a full blown content management system – which is a pretty slick implementation! Some other big names using WordPress are TechCrunch, BBC America, Sony Music, Best Buy and several universities in the UK & USA.

Just like any other technology, WordPress has its own limitations (both technical and UI/graphics). However, with a huge development community, extremely modular design/architecture and hundreds of thousands of plugins/add-ons, you could do almost anything you want. Add a little bit of PHP programming + creativity and you’re on your way to compete with the likes of Ruby on Rails or Python.

Commercial users need to keep in mind that graphics (text, font characters, images and icons) are rather limited and users cannot create complicated imagery without specialized additions. These services and settings are available, but one solution to many of these impediments is to view WordPress as an addition to your main sites. Simply link to items or services and your clients will be easily and instantly sent to the purchase page. Some sellers may consider using business accounts on servers such as Etsy or Selz; and WordPress allows for plugins to optimize ecommerce business transactions (Paypal, and other direct “shopping cart” options including international transfers, tax and shipping). The best aspect of WordPress is its emphasis on social media links – and this is a great resource. We know that social media can really augment sales.
Depending on your budget, company size or growth rate, WordPress ecommerce plugins readily facilitate transactions. Many small businesses or service entrepreneurs add WooCommerce or Jigoshop. These plugins handle products as well as downloads (try “Easy Digital Downloads”). If you don’t want to, or do not have the resources available to handle the security side of ecommerce, consider those plugins that will do this for you.

Other companies may need, or have the budget for, fee-based plug-ins (“Cart66”, “Shopp”). Businesses with a vast selection of products and sales make WordPress the perfect platform for lists of products, sales and reviews. Allowing for blog pages informs consumers on purchases and about ideas for future purchases…and WordPress knows all about that!

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  1. WordPress, indeed, is one of the most powerful software for creating a website. Back in the days it was called the best blogging platform, because this was the main purpose of why the software was created.

    Today we can say that wordpress is one of the best cms. Back in the days I was using Joomla to create website, because it was more easy to create custom pages with it, however, not long time ago, I found wordpress more easy to work with and I switched. It is very true that with a bit of knowledge of PHP and some creativity you can create any type of website, using this software.

  2. Nicely written and I agree on the point that WordPress is no longer limited to the bloggers. WordPress is surely one of the best CMS tool till date to manage any types of site. The user-friendly dashboard, settings and useful plugins make the WordPress ecosystem very much scalable. But the main problem with WordPress is the security, and third-party and lower-quality themes and plugins make this software more vulnerable.
    But obviously with necessary measures taken, this tool can be a productive machine for marketers, site owners and e-commerce companies.

    Soumya Roy

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